Have You Made Anything From Twigs?

Southern California, CA

Here is a little pot trellis I made with a glue gun and a few weeping birch twigs. It's wonky-but I like it. I'm growing a sweet potato in the pot. Rooted the SP in water and then planted it. Growing nicely as a little vine. My friend has the weeping birch tree and I took some of her prunings. Carefully placed them in the car and drove home so pleased-and put them in my side yard. My DH cut them all into 6 inch lengths b/c he thought they were meant for the garbage collection. Ugh. I glued the twigs together as best I could. Funny thing was some of them began to root. lol. But I never got a birch tree-I forgot to water and the new tree growth died. Anyway-do you have a picture of anything you've made from twigs? I'd love to see it or just describe your project if you can't get a photo.

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