We got rain and Twisters last night.

Winnsboro, TX

Like I"ve always shared with you folks we get the worst weather possible here. It either rains and floods everything for months on end. No rain at all, or even worst twisters all around us. Last night was Very Scary here in East Texas.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

We're lucky all we got was some very heavy wind, rain, and quarter size hail. Other little communities nearby had baseball size hail. I haven't had a chance to look around and see if anything is/was damaged. I'll do that tomorrow when I'm feeling better.

i was complaining about the little drizzle we got here, guess i will be quiet.
hope all is ok with you and your plants

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Glad you are alright. What an awesome and frightening picture.

Winnsboro, TX

Some of my bromeliads got beat up pretty good but that's all I could see out the window from the back door. I know we were lucky Sherman that it didn't get alot worse here. I'm always praying for rain, or praying for it to stop raining. You know we're never happy with whatever we get. I just went to bed and said if it's my time to go I'm ready. LOL There really wasn't anything else I could do. Oh and of course since we've gone to Digital T. V. everytime your in a bad storm the t.v. gets knocked off and it's always says searching for service. Either that or you lose the electricity too and you still can't get any information. We have a battery radio and it picks up alot of static when it's storming. We are signed up to be notified when we're under storm advisories and we failed to get any notice whatsoever. Go figure.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Just glad you are safe. I saw a bunch of damage to houses on TV. Glad you guys are safe.

Lebanon, OR

Glad you are save. We have a ton of rain as usual.


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

You gotta worry about those tornadoes, if they can rip through our area and west of Flagstaff, here in Arizona, they can land anywhere. So glad that you and your family are safe!

saw pics on the news. such devestation. glad you are ok

South Hamilton, MA

I'm glad that our friends are ok. Nasty wind hit upper midwest today.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

We had one here in Las Vegas in 1998. Went by out house and tore the house up East of us facing our street. The tornado high winds are horible but ther massive hail destroys your plants.

Winnsboro, TX

Exactly Sharon. The only thing I can see from the back patio is that some of my beautiful tropical Bromeliads got the crap beat out of them by the hail. The hail just rips the leaves to pieces. Of course you can't just cut them off or you wouldn't have anything left. You can leave them looking terrible and they will have babies next year to replace the beaten up ones, The problem is I wait having to wait so long. (frown) A few of them before the storm.

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