HAVE: Primrose, Poppy, & Penstemon

(Zone 7a)

For Trade:

My Wants: (Any Seeds of Plants) http://davesgarden.com/community/trading/list.php?list=want&member=Kim_M&offset=80
Will Trade several packs for 1 of what I want.

3 Packs of Each Available

1. Meconopsis cambrica 'Frances Perry'

2. Meconopsis betonicifolia

3. Oenothera versicolor 'Sunset Boulevard'

4. Oenothera hookeri

5. Penstemon palmeri

6. Penstemon hartwegii

Also have seeds picked today of:

1. Black Cohosh - leaves are purple

2. Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. moldavicum

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Kim, will you please put aside for me a pack of the Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. moldavicum?
I have seeds of Echinacea paradoxa and Phyteuma scheuzeri.
Will come back to you next month if my have list is updated .


(Zone 7a)

Oh Yesss of course Jonna.

Belton, TX

Sent you an email...

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I have nothing to trade but just wanted to say that those Blue poppies are beautiful! I didn't know they existed until I saw them on this post.

(Zone 7a)

For People that don't have seeds to trade but are interested, See this thread: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1139066/

I don't mind sending 1-20 packs if I agree to it. So it's not just neccessarily 1 pack of seeds I will send. I just wont send certain seeds for postage. Because they hold value or may be hard to collect, acquire..etc.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh thank you for sharing that link :) I'll have to go looking for ornaments, we don't have many. Since I had nothing to trade I just added it to my wants list to remember and have been looking for some of your wants lol

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I would like to trade for some of your seeds; I have cuttings of the night blooming jasmine available for trade.
These are easy to root...

(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the offer. But I'm not trading for plants again until Spring. I still have a little more fall cleanup...not to mention Hulling all my Brugs in.

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