Cameras and Iris color

Stockton, IL(Zone 4b)

I'm noticing my camera seems to be interpreting the color of my iris wrong this year. I'm using a kodak, not an expensive one but not the cheapest either. I didn't have this problem in past years with it. Anyone know if cameras get wonky in the color dept? I didn' t change any settings.
Also any recommendations on a GOOD camera for pics of iris? It's pretty important for it to get the color right! I don't want to see blue when it's purple, and vice versa.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I have a Kodak EasyShare that I find takes the best true to color photos when I use the close-up or self-portrait setting. Even the flower setting does not always give true color, esp with reds. Reds are hard to capture except with the best cameras in my experience;o)

Stockton, IL(Zone 4b)

That's what I'm using, I was sure it was matching the color much better in past years. I've had it I think 4 or 5 years now. Take about 1,000 iris pics each spring. I think I've about worn it out, it will only take about 3 pics before I get the dreaded "processing" delay. I got a new battery but didn't help.

Boise, ID(Zone 5b)

I bought a Fuji Finepix. Two coworkers had one and they had some amazing pictures. As far as I can recall, the pictures come out fairly true to color and look great on the computer. I'll have to go home and check them out to say for sure.

Now, I'm going to change the subject a bit:

The biggest problem I have is when I print the pictures--the colors do not come out the same. Frustrating! I print most of the photos for our club rhizome sale.

I have a Canon BubbleJet with 4 colors. I tried a non-glossy photo paper this year and the pictures came out better than with the glossy photo paper but still not quite right.

Any suggestions for a photo printer??


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

May be it is wearing out, especially if you take a lot of pics;o)

Adobe, these days I find it almost cheaper to take the photos to Wal-Mart or Walgreens or a similar place or upload to their website and print them there. I have a Dell photo printer that does a nice job, but the cost of ink when you print a lot of pics is phenomenal when you add it up...

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

We have a Kodak Z1015 EasyShare, and it seems to have problems with light colors and light blues. But, I have found if I take the photos when it's overcast or the sun has gone down a bit, that the colors photograph truer. So in the long run, it's probably just me. ^_^

I never take photos of plants or flowers in sun. I wait until the sun moved or is on its way down, or the day is overcast, then I take photos. Sunlight bleaches colors and produces too much contrast.

I sell flowering plants online so color is important. As the old sayig goes, pictures sells. I used to use a Canon film camera with Kodachrome. Nothing beats that for color and detail. I use digital camera Olympus Camedia, Ultra zoom. As far as digital cameras, it is great. It allow both manual and auto settings. The problem with digitals is that they tend to read some colors wrong, as mentioned above. Color is truer on an overcast day, but I still do editing by holding the flower by the computer screen and match the color to the real thing.

I bought the Olympus after much research. It was the only make of camera that allowed manual settings and had macro and ultra zoom. I have taken 1000's of photos with it. Bought it in 2004 and is as good as ever. Actually bought it on auction from Ebay. Olympus has its own seller on Ebay. Got it $100 cheaper than had I bought it straight from Olympus. It is even good on battery power.

Port Sanilac, MI

I have a Kodak easyshare. I often take a "regular" picture and then a close-up; however, I have learned that the close up pictures often have untrue colors. The leaves turn out blue. The picture itself will be clearer but because of the unreal color, I have to delete it.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I use a Sony Cybershot it is a 12.1 megapixel and shoots in 1080 HD. Manual or automantic adjustments and macro lens. I try to get out in the garden early in the morning when the sun is just up but not glaring. Never can get a good picture in full sun.

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