Two years or so ago I bought beautiful stock from a clematis grower highly recommended here. The rabbits got my clematis chewed to the ground and it did not come back this spring.

I would like to hear from the advise department again. I have a naked arbor.

Thumbnail by docgipe
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

If you want ideas on what to plant you might want to investigate Silver Lace Vine or Lab Lab or Akebia.

That's a wonderful photo, doc!


Advise on the grower? I shall remain bull headed and roll up a tunnel of wire to fool the rabbits. Thanks for the kuddos. My grandson and I built the arbor out of rough cut lumber. Years earlier I also built the shed and the patio too.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Who was the grower? Is your intention to contact them for replacements or more plants? You can always Dmail me if you don't want to mention the name.

You deserve the praise!


I just placed an order with Blue Stone in Ohio or Ill. A friend D mailed me and gave great kuddos to Blue Stone. I lost my paperwork on the plant I lost. It was so good I would have gone back to that grower but the question did not cause any name to come up.

I would not ask any grower to replace animal damaged plants when the damage took place on my watch. LOL I trapped and relocated a bunch of rabbits this summer. Chip and Dale were still the all time leaders. We are entering winter with a zero population as of this moment. A few will move in over winter. They will be much easier to move next spring.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They may have Emailed you a confirmation so look in your Emails to check the names. I also like Bluestone.


Lordy Lordy.............if I get two dozen lines saved in any part of my communication beyond wheeling and dealing that is still open I get busy and send them all to trash and delete. I can't remember that well anyway so I clean it up every week or so.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Is your question that you are looking for names of growers that you might have bought the original plant from?

Like Donahues, Brushwood, Silver Star, Chalk Hill?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Here's a thread where you purchased some. Might this be the grower you're speaking of?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

He said on Post #8163073 that he bought them from Bluestone.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I think his original post was looking for where he bought them from in the beginning, two years or so ago. He just replaced them with ones from Bluestone.


Whew I seemed to cause some confusion. Sorry about that. I understood my lines perfectly well. LOL

The issue is solved: I just placed a Blue Stone order this week to replace the damaged plants.

polly-k nailed the question and provided the proper answer but a day or two late.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well dang. I so hate to be late :)

Maybe next year I will check out the grower you spoke of. Sounds good!


Blue Stone has a catalog. As a result of my order I get a bonus of at least one catalog a year for the rest of my life.

So much has changed in the industry one hardly knows whom he is ordering from. I spend about fifty bucks a year ordering from the catalogs. As a result of all the privacy they all profess I get at least a dozen and a half catalogs every spring and more than half of them send multiple seasonal catalogs. Using myself as an example they really do not know very well how to qualify someone for a catalog.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Or maybe 3. I think I get three a year from Bluestone.

Can you remember when we didn't have the internet, and could only order from the catalogue? My, how times have changed. I used to spend so much time pouring over those seed catalogues. And Wayside and White Flower Farms. Park Seeds.


Wayside used to be one of the best. Not sure anymore. The last couple of orders were not of the highest quality like they used to send. I gave up quite a long time ago. The incoming was not really nice from anyone this spring although it all lived.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Doc, what clem did you order from Bluestone? Your Rubromarginata display was outstanding. I thought it would come back for you, but it was not to be I guess. Mother nature does cause us some grief at times. Bluestone sends very healthy stock, but young. You might have to baby it for awhile while it develops roots.


My choice from Bluestone was: Huldine and Dutchess of Albany. This will give me two class 3 Clematis which should meld and mix nicely going up some twelve to twenty feet. We will finish preparing the holes this weekend or hold off until spring depending on the weather. As of this moment both holes are about ten quart bucket size with good soil filled back in and some compost for the winter. I topped off the holes with a shovel full of raw manure and coffee grounds to draw in the worms. Gave the holes a good drench of fish/kelp tea and a pinch of mycorrhizae. Last I will give the hole area a smattering of rye grass seed hoping the rye will germinate and support or host the mycorrhizae. If this weekend gets cold as forcast here I will tent the area hoping to get germination of the rye.

Today I started hand molding a wire tunnel which will lead the runners up to the arbor. This should stop the critters entering the area where the small tender runners are reaching for the arbor. We will plant the new Clematis and sit the wire over the area with pins to hold it in place. The critters have not bothered my two older plants.

This image shows how nicely I had the last Clematis growing up the arbor.

This has been one of my rare difficult small areas to get growing well. The prep should be right and ready for the arrivial of the new Clematis next spring.

Thumbnail by docgipe
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

What a lovely area! Your new babies will be very pretty there!

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

With all that prep I am sure you will have success.


My Dad always took the time to prep to the hilt...........even for spring onions. He was a hundred and ten percent organic. The first time he opened a bag of 5-10-5 he closed it back up saying that crap doesn't deserve to be called crap. He never used any and neither have I or either of my two sons. Day in and day out we all outproduce any chemical grower with larger and proven better food by test. That is almost entirely because we are soil builders and always have been. We never knew any man made chemical that contained any biological element or created any to be stronger in the soil. That's simply a basic truth that can not be changed by anyone no matter how smooth and fancy the words are placed in the advertising text or the written articles we read.

This message was edited Oct 22, 2010 5:43 AM

Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

It is a great philosophy! The road to soilbuilding is slow. I have started using effective mycroorganisms this year. Is that the same as mycorrhizae?


No...........Mycorrhizae are known types of fungi. For general garden plants and flowers you need the ENDO type.. Go to Bio-Organics web site to read up. A nice product available to we Easterners at the big box stores is Espoma's Bio Tone Starter Plus. I like it because it comes in a small size. I do not use so much since I closed down my big garden. All I am gardening now is a few open feet along one side of the patio and a nice lot of pots.

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