Those silly Naked Ladies

Winnsboro, TX

Hey Sharon and all you other's show us your Naked Here's mine.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Ok if this worked it should be attached and this is some of my Naked Ladies and Ox Blood Lilies blooming not too long ago.

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

One more

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Ok, maybe a couple

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

They are really pretty and very tall. Never seen or heard of them.

Lebanon, OR


I think those are not naked ladies but Lycoris

Here is a link to one

Very pretty and if you have enough to trade I would like to trade some with you


Spicer, MN

My naked ladies aren't as beautiful as yours.

Thumbnail by husker11
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

The naked lady/magic lily/surprise lily commonly grown here are a pale pink/purple color. The link below partially explains the differences in colors. Apparently, they are all lumped together for sales purposes.

Winnsboro, TX

Ok, here's the best I can make out of everything I read. They are called Spider Lilies, Naked Ladies, and the Latin Name Lycoris. The do seem to link them all together to sell them. I've never seen the Yellow Spider Lilies now I want some of them. Thanks D for giving me the link to see the other colors. You know I can't control myself when it come to flowers and plants. LOL The most interesting thing I found was that they cost about $10 per bulb. Thank goodness I didn't have to buy mine. I dug them up at old homesteads with the owners permission. Now I think I'll go dig a bunch more so I can share some with my garden buddies. Once you have them the birds will spread their seeds and you'll have more and more or so I've found that to be true here in East Texas. They grow wild and come up in straight lines like someone planted them. When in reality the straight line is caused by the birds sitting on a overhead electrical lines, phone lines, and any other lines that are above ground.

Husker maybe you and I can do some trading so we will both have the some of each. I don't have any like the pink lilies you have. (grin) I know if I don't dig them up when they have the green leaves on them it will be next bloom season before I know exactly where they are planted. I have tons of daffs, and other bulbs planted very near these so I have something in the bed blooming nearly all year. Soon I should have some fall crocus coming up. Ok, I got to run, I'm going to go slap some ERASER on a foam paint brush and get rid of some of my weeds. My daylily beds where I used the Preen look wonderful. No winter weeds as of right now where as 2 of my iris beds are full of tiny winter broadleaf weeds. I don't know why I can't remember to put stuff out to control them at the right time. I guess cause I like to complain and pull weeds year round. LOL

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I can never remember to spread pre-emergent either. My new Iris bed is being taken over by broadleafs and wild onions. I hate wild onions ... nearly impossible to get rid of. You actually have to dig the little bulbs out, and I've got millions of them. Grrrr!

Here's my Spider Lilies. I forgot to take a picture of them until they had started to fade. They were a gift from a girl friend. She called them Naked Ladies too. But they are actually Lycoris radiata. I think both types of lilies have been called naked ladies, surprise lilies, magic lilies, and probably a few more. LOL

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Gainesville, TX

lycoris radicans are beautiful, but they really don't like to be moved. It sometimes takes up to three years to bloom after moving

edit my spelling : radiata

This message was edited Oct 17, 2010 12:40 PM

This message was edited Oct 17, 2010 12:43 PM

Winnsboro, TX

that's very true Sharon but they are well worth the wait. I"m going to go dig about 100 or more tomorrow and share a few with a couple of my gardening buddies. LOL I asked the man today if I could go dig some more up and he said sure, help yourself. I figure since they cost between 7 and 10 dollars per bulb if you have to buy them that I couldn't go wrong with sharing some with my buddies. All it will cost me is a little time and a little digging. (grin) I love playing in the dirt when the weather is nice and cool like it is right now.

Happy Gardening, Marian

Gainesville, TX

I didn't know they were that valuable, I traded away about 100 of them when I was on Dave's a couple of years ago as Jackieshar.....Mine bloomed beautifully this year, but I don't think u can have too many

Spicer, MN

Marian!...You Nut! Can you get them here before the 23rd? heehe... I only have 3 or 4 bulbs to share but would do so...
Those 'Naked Ladies' could be worth Hundred's of Dollars! Sharing them with friends, they are 'Priceless!'

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Red Spider Lilies and a lone stalk of Autumn Circus September 9, 2010.

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Another photo of them. This year was a bumper crop of Red Spider Lilies.

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

July 16, 2010 I had these "Surprise Lilies" bloom. I think they are also called Belladona Lily, a member of the amaryllis family. On DG at:

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I find when a nursery charges that much for one bulb, you are just about guaranteed they will double like rabbits. They know you will never purchase another.

Winnsboro, TX

Sharon and Sharon and everyone else, I'm going to go dig a bunch up today. Right now I'm headed out the door to work for 4 hours. I have got to find someone to sit with or I"m not going to be getting an new flowers are be able to pay the bills in the near future. Love Ya will hollar at you after I've dug the bulbs today.

Winnsboro, TX

Ok friends I dug/ rescued the bulbs and now I just have to clean them and get them ready to ship. LOL This will have been my good deed for the day. LOL Hopefully they will bring a smile to a few faces for years to come and some of my friends will think of me when they see them bloom.
Happy Gardening,

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

If you have any extra I would love to have some of those Spider Lilies.

Winnsboro, TX

Hi April, I have already promised several different people a bunch of the bulbs. If I have some left I'll be more than happy to share them with you. Give me a couple of days and I'll know for sure if I can send you some. If so, I would appreciate the postage in return. Only because at the present time I do not have a full time job and only get a few hours a week for two weeks. Then I'll be back looking for someone to take care of and set with again. I know that something will come along because the Lord always provides for us one way or another.
God Bless You and Yours, Marian

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Most certainly Marian,
I only meant if you had extras.
Thanks again,

Winnsboro, TX

Here's what I washed off for Sharon (Husker) today. Some of them are huge. LOL

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Washed and semi cleaned up

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

This is the one that is in the upper left hand side of the last photo. Just so you can get an ideal of the size of some of these. Kind of reminds me of an onion when it's cleaned up. Trust me I dug them up and they had blooms on them so they are all Naked Ladies. Some of the bulbs actually have several bulbs inside them just about ready to split.
Sharon's (Husker) go in the mail tomorrow. The rest of ya'll will go out Wed. I hope you all enjoy them.
Love Marian

Thumbnail by lovelyiris
Winnsboro, TX

Husker your bulbs are on the way to your house as we speak. I have a confirmation number but it's in the car and I'm too lazy to go get it.

Love Ya,

Spicer, MN

Ohhh... Marian! What am I going to do with you? :o) I'll think of something! I know you've gone out of your way and I appreciate
you so much! You warm my heart!

(((HUGS))) Sharon

Winnsboro, TX

Nope, you owe me NOTHING. You sent me the William(ette) Mist Irises for me to remember my dear sweet friend by. I'd say I still come out ahead. Now I will have memories of him beside me everytime I go in and out my front door.
Deeds like these need to be rewarded. You reached out to me in my time of sorrow and greiving and brought a smile to my heart and soul. Because of your caring and truely beautiful spirit you will always have a special place in my heart just as several other's here on Dave's Iris Forum. Anything I have more than a couple of I will gladly share with my Loving Spirited Gardening/Iris Sisters. I hope they will bloom for you for years to come.

Winnsboro, TX

Headed to the post office to send Sharon K. W., and Denise's Naked Lady bulbs. So ladies be on the look out for a box from me in the very near future. I'll send Polly's tomorrow after I've had time to clean the rest of them. I'm so lazy at times.

Lebanon, OR

Oh you sweet thing, once I receive I will email you to let you know I have them and my worker can plant them for me...


Working on the iris quilt and hope to have the end today except for the hummer and the butterfly


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, we are getting rain again. I think Mother Nature thinks we are Oregon. Thanks so much. I will send you something as well as postage.

Boaz, KY

I'm reading about this way late -- but if there are a couple little bulbs left over that need a good home, I'd be so happy to have some!! And happy to pay postage!

Winnsboro, TX

Sharon I'm glad your getting some more rain. You'll probably need to invest in an umbrella if it keeps this up. LOL
The post office said ya'll will get your packages on Monday. When you plant them I'd put two or three bulbs in each spot. The will multiply pretty quick once they get over the shock of being dug and moved. Someone told me I shouldn't have washed so much of the brown off the bulbs that it was some kind of protective skin, so some of them still have it and some don't. If you notice on some of the bulbs they were starting to split into two bulbs and part of it will be brown underneath the white skin anyway. They are fine. Some may have a few nicks from the spade digging around to get them up. I tried to keep those for myself and plant them here. I don't like to send damaged bulbs or plants to someone unless I just have to.

Love Ya'll Marian


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Yes, DH was ecstatic. He used to play baseball and still feels he could have played in the majors but his two older brothers made him go to college instead. He loves to watch each pitch and then tell me what kind of pitch it is or was.

I loved pro basketball when Michael Jordan played but lost interest when I could no longer watch him have the time of his life just playing basketball. I am going to try and watch the Miami Heat and see if the threesome are as good as they think they are.

I will take good care of your naked ladies.

Winnsboro, TX

I knew Vern would be thrilled with the Ranger Win. I certainly was. I wish my mother could have been alive to see them make it to the World Series Championship. She was a true Ranger fan and kept the stats herself even tho she was just watching them on T.V. She would get her pen and paper out and keep up with every single stat for each player. I thought it was kind of crazy but kind of cute at the same time. God Bless her little soul I know she was singing and hollaring at the top of her lungs last night as she watched them from up above.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Same with Vern's oldest brother. He would call between inning or plays. When Vern was watching a game and the phone would ring we always knew it was Fred from Beaumont. Sure do miss that phone ringing. But only if a Texas team was involved.

Stockton, IL(Zone 4b)

I had to see what naked ladies were! We call them Magic Lillies. I wonder if mine need to be separated again, I always forget about the poor things.

Winnsboro, TX

Sunshine I think you can leave them for years without dividing them. However if they are not blooming much then I would suggest you dig, divide, and replant them. They are such a special delight to walk outside and all of a sudden you have something blooming it's little head off. Good Luck with your Naked Ladies.

Sharon the Rangers play their first game of the World Series Wednesday evening against the Giants. You will probably be able to hear me yelling and cheering them on in Las Vegas. Wish we could have all been together to root them on. I know it must be a ball there with Vern. Of course I'd probably be too loud. LOL I scream at them just like they can hear what I'm saying. I've really been known to chew the manager and pitching coach out. Thank goodness they can't talk back to me. George tells me they get paid to make the changes and I'm just a sideline arm chair coach. LOL

Ok, you should get your bulbs tomorrow. Hope everyone has a glorious Sunday.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I got my naked ladies. I am afraid to open the box because I hear all this giggling and laughter. I hope they brought some clothes.

Check for postage has been done on computer. Coming directly from Bank of America. I may have spelled your town wrong but they deliver by zip code any way.

I have another rebloomer getting ready to bloom. I was sitting on the back patio area talking to Dee on the phone and lo and behold, right in front of me was an iris with a stalk up. Probably will bloom later in the week., I will post a photo.

Thanks again Marian.

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