C. crispa germination ?

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I just received some seeds...who has tried germinating these?
Or what's the best way to do this besides dropping them in potting soil? Any advice?

Calgary, Canada

Search the Plantfiles here on DG.
It says to direct sow the seeds in fall so they must need a cool period.
Maybe a wintersow would be good.
It does not grow up here.

Athens, PA

It can take some time for clematis seeds to germinate. My understanding is that it is well worth the wait.

Check out Brian Collingwood's website. He has been doing if this for about a decade.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I've got germination!!!!!! They were sowed back in Oct. and now there are several babies!! I still have more seeds, so I'm going to sow them too. Hopefully they will grow big and strong.

Calgary, Canada

Way to grow!
How did you germinate them? as a winter sow?

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Nice site! thanks for posting the link Carolyn!

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

CLScott, I had sown them in a pot and placed in a clear plastic bag to keep the soil moist.
I check on the daily and they are still alive and growing.

I had place some seeds in vermiculite in a baggie and placed in the fridge (11/10); now they are out of the fridge and sitting on my windowsill out of direct sunlight. Also sow more seeds in another pot and placed outdoor on my plant stand. We'll see what happens next...

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