Giving away the compost

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

So, moving for a gardener is ..... maybe more complex than for a non-gardener. Not only are there the household contents, there is all that out there......... and for me, even though I have only been in this spot a year, I still had a lot to find homes for, since I know whoever comes after will most likely not appreciate....... certain things, like, for instance, bags of manure, and, the compost.......

It doesn't look like much, does it? This was what was there after already "harvesting" and using the material in the Spring, this was just from the summer months..... and it filled those containers in the picture, the gray one at the top is an 18 gallon bin..... and there was even some left over.

Thumbnail by Kylaluaz
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Even though the compost wasn't "finished" it was still plenty good enough to spread on a bed and leave to over winter. And because of what I put in it and also the wonderful bags of deciduous leaves I had collected the previous year and used for my carbon source, this compost never, but NEVER, had even a slightly unpleasant odor. At this point, it smelled sweet. Even though you can still see some recognizable items among the happy worms.

Thumbnail by Kylaluaz
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

When I knew I was moving, I put out a message to the local gardeners' network, and the gal I ended up giving most of my stuff to (including this compost) is a young woman who is embarking on the creation of a new community garden in a neighboring town. The day she came to get the compost, she brought her little boy (I guess he is about maybe 3? or 4?) and he was so much fun! because he was very very excited to be taking worms home. We had a nice long conversation, he and I, about the worms; we picked them up, we watched them, we talked about why they disappeared from view so quickly when we turned our backs for a few minutes and walked away (because they were exposed to the sunlight) and that, look! just reach your hand down in there a little and there they are! they aren't gone away at all! hahahaha ....... What a sweetie!

I have high hopes that once I get up to the PNW, I will be able to find a place where I can settle in for a while and garden the same spot for more than a year! This at any rate is my desire and my goal. But although there has been some frustration with the kind of stop/start gardening I've been more or less forced to do here lately, I have to say, giving away the compost went a long darn way toward making it all worthwhile.

In fact it was probably the most fun part of the move so far. Giving a head start to a young gardener, to a community garden a-borning, and sharing the delights of worms! with a little kid, well, not much can top that for pure happiness, in my book.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Great story about what to do with compost when moving! You are so right about the people who come after potentially being unappreciative of the things we gardeners would consider valuable. The last time I moved, I spread the compost over 4 vegetable garden beds and mulched well with straw to leave the incoming people an easy Spring planting time. They apparently had no interest at all, and tilled the area to replant in grass. It became a very healthy patch of lawn to say the least.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

What a fun little boy! Do you know whereabouts in the pnw you're going to end up?

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Mauryhill, yep, the place where my compost was will revert to grass/lawn and it will indeed be the healthiest on the place! Your story, well, just owie. Leaving a garden is not easy. Here is not too terrible because as I said (somewhere) I've only been here a year and so not so invested....... but even so.

The landlord hired their previous "gardener" the other day, to come and trim things up. A very nice nice lady, I liked her, but she took those loppers and basically sheered everything off, buddleia that was still blooming, chop chop, hollyhocks and some really nice annuals that were setting seed, chop chop........ my one lavender plant (which is not in the best spot as for it there were no good spots here really) chop chop....... *sigh* But she brought me a little bouquet to the door as she was leaving..... a nice gal. Just, different styles I guess. The "flat top garden" is not my style.

Gwendalou, initially I will be in Lynnwood staying with a very kind and generous friend who has a spare room and wants my company (how grand is that?) but I will be looking for something to rent...... where I can garden of course. As I have never been up there, friend (who's been in Seattle for 20 years) has offered to show me around and has some ideas about smaller towns and areas that might be a "fit" -- so I am on an adventure of exploration! come next week sometime..... Beyond that? At this moment I truly do not know.

Yes, that little kid was priceless. Funny too, as they were getting ready to leave and he was all tucked into his child seat in the back he said to me "Do you have any kids?" and I said "Nope" and he could not believe it and told me emphatically "Yes you do!" and I said "Nope" and he said, "Well, get you some! And get them some toys!"

Truly priceless.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Kylaluaz, I wish you luck in your move to the PNW. I left San Francisco a little over three years ago and am loving Portland. The PNW is wonderful, and I hope you will love it as much as I do.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Lynnwood! I live right over the line in Everett (Rt 99, a.k.a. "Pacific Highway"). Welcome.

I have a neighbor I call "Atilla the Gardener". She is more discriminating than your clear-cut daisy-cutter. Her policy is that any plant that doesn't THRIVE where it is, and look good quickly, is moved or OUT. All the way out, ya know what I mean?

She has a beautiful yard, but I flinch when I see her walk around, wondering what will be next to get the axe. I guess you have to prune and thin and rejct, but I'm wimpy that way.

I don't know if manufactured home parks ever rent, they expect you to buy the home and then pay rent for the space. But with this real estate market, there are unfilled spots and they might negotiate. If you take your time shopping around, that might be an unconventional option. My park has several spots where they say they are "giving the house away for free" (if you pay the space rent).

They are mostly very small yards, but inexpensive privacy.


Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Ooh Corey, I may dmail you for more info about that...... thanks for the tip!

I don't need a big yard, just a yard that is mine to do with as I see fit and somewhat gardenable...... nor do I need a big place to live, so this kind of thing may just be my next step....... LOL right now I am still in the throes of the "last steps" of packing/moving and rather discombobulated!

And I know what you mean about Atilla too..... for me it is something always to be patient with and, to be honest, how it feels is more important to me than how it looks, because how it looks is the very surface, and can change so quickly!

Judi, thanks for the well wishes, something about this whole move feels very auspicious and positive even though the process is a bit tricky at certain moments....

Lynnwood, WA(Zone 7a)

I live in Lynnwood. Just want you to know you have a DG friend when you get here. I live in an apartment but thankfully my sister lets me use her yard to garden. Rick, I never thought about what you said that they are "giving the homes away" if you just pay the space rent.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Patti!

I live only around 3 miles from the Sound, and THINK I'm in Zone 8a. I used to live in Manor Heights Park, Lynnwood. Now, Carriage Club Estates, Everett.

It's always tough to reach my park's managers - they have short hours, don't pick upm the phone, and only while I'm at work. I'll try to get them to call me back and clarify "what's the deal".

The signs keep saying "free", but how true and accurate that is remains to be seen.

And they may want a year's lease signed ... or that may be negotiable, given how lame the real estate market is right now.

The yards are mostly very small; I'm lucky to have an odd corner with more room than average.

On the other hand, a few spots are perched on uneven ground, or sunny corners of "streets", and have possibilites.

My immediate negihbor may let me plant a row of Lavatera on her side of the sidewalk that separates us.

My other immediate neighbor left her house and it has not sold yet. Whether or not I'm encroaching on her weeds depends on where the "property line" betwen the spaces is, and no one knows this. When someone does buy in, we'll have to reach an agreement on who "owns" what, and who may plant where. Maybe they'll like the (slightly wider) raised bed and what I'm planting there. Or they'll like it and want to plant their own things along that edge.

I just hope it isn't as invasive and weedy as the last crop!


Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi folks....... Well, I made it up here! Arrived on Thursday afternoon and have been acclimating since. I am taking this as slow as I can because there is so much to explore but so far it feels very good to be here.

Patti, I will send you a dmail, and maybe soon we can find a time to connect; are you also new to the area? I would love to see your "borrowed" garden..... though I imagine it is kinda soggy right now.

So far I am loving the rain..... very relaxing. :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Welcome, Kyla!

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Oh so it was you who brought the bad weather? ;)

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, actually it politely delayed itself by a day so my drive would be lovely. :) The sun shone beautifully as I was driving through Seattle proper. Which felt kinda spayshul.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Welcome Kyla. Glad you hear you had a good drive up here. You sound like you have a good attitude about things and will adjust quickly. Hope you love it. I've been here 69 years and came from Indiana. I would never go back. ^_^

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks very much, Willowwind..... I find good attitude can carry a ton of the load and without it, I would often be totally sunk.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

What a story! Glad I read through as I live in Mountlake Terrace, just across the highway from Lynnwood. But I also have a compost pile that is bordering on huge for a suburbanite. Yikes.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey AnalogDog I'm glad you read it too, and I envy anyone who has a ginormous compost! You do a lot of succulents and stuff, is that right? I have some vague memory of something....... sorry, it is late in my brain now. :)

I am taking baby steps toward finding my next garden. Today I took the first step toward getting the brakes on my car fixed -- located the place, took car in, got bid, got procedure clarified, figured out when appointment can be made so my hostess can pick me up from dropping off car and then take me back when car is ready...... baby steps.

Once car is done then I can take more toddler steps maybe. I also checked into a couple craigslist rental offerings, by replying to the postings......... just a little while ago this evening. That was exciting. :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

it may be too late, but I think well of A&T Tire & Auto (19406 HWY 99 near 196). 196 is also called "524" or Restaurnat Row. 425-778-9222 or,

I went in once with a funny noise, and he talked me out of unnecessary repairs. When I did need work, it was reasonably-priced and the cost was what he said it would be. Unlike some OTHER places!

Plus, it is right near Half-Price Books at James Village! My used-book Mecca.


Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Okay, that is good to know, but I am already taking car and its sad brakes to Les Schwab...... Friday is the deal. But I am tickled to know the location of the used book place, I knew there was one along there somewhere but had only buzzed by it once in passenger mode so this will help a lot!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I used to like Les Schwab, until the time I had brakes done there and only got 1/2 block away from them before wierd noises and very wierd braking made me bring it back. he muttered something about "THAT GUY" and rectified it in `10 minutes.

(First I typed "barking", but, no, they did NOT leave a pet dog inside the hubcaps.)

Maybe it's unfair to bash them for one mistake, since everyone makes mistakes. Even DO-178B Level A safety-critical aviation software has mistakes (I happen to be in that industry, and our team recently had a "whoopsie" that was caught in testing.)

I am glad it was an immediately-obvious mistake. It's the ones you discover months later at 65 MPH that ruin your whole day.


Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

I use Dave's Automotive in MLT for just about everything, and have not been burned by his work. He used to be at 44th and 200th right behind the Chevron, but moved to 56th just north of 236th last year.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

That's good to know, in case my guy is taken over and made more "competitive".

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, guys. The thing is, this all STARTED with Les Schwab in Mt Shasta CA and me buying new tires and them saying woopsie you bettah do this and that and me saying can't do and them saying okay get thee to the place up Seattle way tooot sweet when you arrive or else!

so I did that.

The fellow who is dealing with things here does seem knowledgeable.... but whaddo I know? Not much, just want my car to be safe enough to get around some. Like, to Sequim in a day or so to look at a very promising rental situation.


Oh, and Corey, I did go to Half Price Books today. Thanks! All this is helping me learn the local ways. Much appreciated.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I love that place. (Half Price Books, not Les Schwab.) You're very welcome.

I wish you had gotten here one motnh sooner, to see all the sunshine we have in the summer. Instead, you got in on the beginning of the rainy season.


Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh Sequim Is very nice and not too far away from DGers on this side of the puddle. And they say it never rains in Sequim or something like that. It is in a not-so-much rain zone.

This message was edited Oct 27, 2010 3:22 PM

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Corey, yes, I realize weather wise my timing is......... interesting. :) and that is a fine bookstore, wow!

Willowwind, that is very good to know! I sure hope this place works out and even more so now....... fingers crossed.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, hey and when you settle down, I got a heap of compost you can have to start with as I have way more than I use.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Are you serious? I will take you up on that.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Im serious. I have a ton of it.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

wow, well I hope I find my place soon and can get me some! Seriously! LOL!

But how do you manage to actually have more compost than you yourself can use? I don't believe I have ever encountered this situation in real life....... only as a fantasy of some kind of divine abundance or something.

Mountlake Terrace, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, I have way more grass clippings and leaves than the recyclers want to take away, so I created my own compost pile and it just keeps growing. It was so hot at one point, it digested all but one corner of an oak pallet. I threw the rest back in, leaves are just dropping and when they are done, I will give a good mixing and wait till spring to see what comes up, but you are free anytime to drop by and get some.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, I see. Yeah, grass clippings can get hot for sure! Well, with any luck I will be able to take you up on that, before too very long..... :)

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

I missed this thread while playing catchup, but a big WELOME Kyla! At least the weather during mid-week welcomed you! You will find that this is a wonderful place to hang your hat, and being close to a few of the DG folks is fantastic. Hope your settlign in is going well!

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Julie, thank you! I am faring well so far but still looking for a place to settle...... But trusting it will unfold in good order and timing! :)

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Kayla why way out there! I wanted to see you when I was in Seattle in 2 weeks. Bummer I am working in Bellevue and cannot get to the Banana belt. Maybe next time.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2010 8:06 AM

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Soferdig, I am currently in Lynnwood so we might make this happen...... I was just looking on the Peninsula but none of those places worked out, at all! Now I am looking at places on Whidbey, but still stuck in old Lynnwood and probably will be here til at least December 1 but sure do hope to find my place by then!

Two weeks from now is what? The only thing I have set up that far in advance is a meet up with a potential house situation on whidbey on the 20th. Send me a Dmail okay?

What is the Hannah belt?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Oops banana belt is the stretch along the coast from Hood Canal to Port Angeles. It is in the shadow of the Olympics and lots more sun there. I will be in Seattle from the 21st till the 27. I have to schedule with my daughter first to see my grand baby. Then I will have time to see when I could get through the 405 "crawl" to Lynnwood.
This is an island called two trees that I sailed passed last week.

Thumbnail by Soferdig

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