Fruit Tree Decision - Kieffer Pear or Methley Plum

New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

Not sure if we're going to do this or not, but we are considering a fruit tree for our back yard. Two options are Kieffer Pear or Methley Plum. The plum is self pollinating and I'm not sure about the pear, and from what I have read the plum is more edible right off the tree, and the pear needs to be made in to jelly, etc. Therefore, leaning toward the plum, if it were to happen.

Our back yard is typical sandy North Carolina soil, and well drained, and we could plant it in full sun.

I'd appreciate any opinions.


Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

which fruit do you prefer? I'd let that be your deciding factor...if you like both then go with the plum since you know it's self pollinating...good luck!!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I have a Methley Plum even young it's fruits heavily and i pick them around late June if that makes a difference.

New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

Well we ended up with neither! The Captain went to town while I was at a garden club meeting, and came home with it :) He's a peach of a guy! It's already in the ground, and hopefully thinking about growing peaches.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

LOL well that decision was easy

New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

Oops - Forgot in my posting to say it was a Belle of Georgia Peach.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I found peaches to be a pain to grow but I'm in an area that's really to warm for them. Squirrels attack the green peaches and I always had bacteria spot which makes the leaves look like they've been shot with bird shot. Hopefully you have better luck than I did.

New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

It will be interesting. I certainly hadn't planned on a peach tree, but bless his heart, that's what he came home with. I'll look up bacteria spot. Entlie

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