The hummers are leaving

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

Here is a fun shot of this little guy on the only thing that is blooming in our yard right now. I planted this Pineapple Sage because the nursery guy said the hummers would visit on their way out of town. I now believe him!

I posted this on Bird Watching and another version on What's Blooming Now , but I wanted everyone to see him and wish him Bon Voyage!


Thumbnail by Linny1
Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

too cute Linny!!!

Johns Island, SC

We have a fairly large population of Ruby Throat hummers that show up here every summer, and have for years. They start to get sparse around this time of year, so we routinely retired the feeders by the end of September. We were recently advised by our resident Hummingbird/Painted Bunting expert that that behavior was inappropriate. Many different species of hummers migrate through this area on their way south, and we were missing seeing them by retiring our feeders in September. She recommended leaving the feeders up till the end of November. We're trying it, but so far nothing but hold-over Ruby Throats...

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

The only thing I know about this one for sure is that it was a baby - the others who hung around all summer had gotten so plump they were flying slowly. This one was darting like a tiny fairy.

I felt blessed to see it.


Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

Stono - thanks for sharing that! I had not removed mine yet and will wait to do so now...

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

By bye little one!
The last one I saw was last week, visiting my cardinal vine.
Over the summer, they loved my pomegranate.

Johns Island, SC

Well, Dorrine was right. We had 3 hummers at a feeder this morning! Couldn't tell what style they were because they were gone by the time I got back with the binoculars, but they clearly were NOT Ruby Throated. A different species passing through... Glad we listened...

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