Broad Bean Bungle

Sydney, Australia

Well my broad beans were disappointing. I usually have a bountiful, delicious, luxurious crop but this time did something wrong...maybe too much tlc...too much fertilizer. I did get a few but nothing compared to what I expected. I watched a cooking show host fry them with bacon and butter and serve them on toast.
My silverbeet is looking gorgeous and my beef heart tomatoe plants are starting to look stronger. I've taken off a few of the lower bits.
My choko vines are starting to become stronger and my muscat and sultana grape vines have little tiny grapes appearing. I'm going to make wine...I've got a home brew shop down the road and going to buy some fruit yeast when they are ready so I'll let you know how it goes. I've been told it's better to get the juice out of the grapes with your feet like they did in ancient times because then the seeds are not bruised. If the seeds are bruised then the wine will be sour. I will have to sterilise my feet I suppose....God I'm a hippy! Is there anything wrong with that! Oh but just a 'weekend hippy'.
I have to go to Bunnings tomorrow and get more bird nets because I wouldn't have anything without them.
Strawberries are starting to get going and coming up like weeds which is a nice change.
I have had an artichoke plant growing for ages and ages but no artichoke if any do show up that will be worth celebrating over.
I've grown a few fennel. for the first time an onion but has a licorice sort of flavour.
Also I've grown some 'dill' especially for pickling cucumbers. I've been pickling them with a recipe from the internet. It's a Jewish recipe. I'm a Catholic but we are only good at growing rosemary and mint and cooking lamb.
Bye for now
Michelle xxx

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