Plant Report Since The RU

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi all! I wanted to take a minute and thank the parents of my new plants. All are doing well except Salvia greggii, light pink from Danita. It is now in Salvia heaven but the S. greggii, medium pink is doing just great and here's a photo...

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Here is Salvia Phylis Fancy from Elaine. It has three or four bloom spikes in various states. This was a potted plant but a cutting was left at the house and it rooted easily. It is now part of that planting.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

And Mike's peanut butter plant is not only doing great after repotting but there are more "peanuts" sprouting all around it. Digger's "Mystery" in a pot is def. a hydrangea. It has taken off since repotting. All four of Elaine's mahonia babies are lining the area off the hillside where the cars were parked and look great. There are more but I've not got photos. Anyway, here's another photo of all the flowers and those to come on the Salvia from Danita. Just saying thanks again.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Aw,,, that's great!! My p.butter shrub is growing fast too. As well as most of my plants from Danita. My nine bark didn't make it from oops can't remember who. I probably over watered it. The Thai basil is growing like crazy.
Enjoying this wonderful weather we are having. Wish we could have some rain, really dry here.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

All of Sue's Hoyas are doing well too. Thanks to Sue, I have quite a growing collection. We've been putting up my attached-to-the-house, on-the-deck winter greenhouse in Atlanta. It houses my orchid collection for the cold months. Here's a little peek of one section inside. Sue gave me several Hoyas last year that are currently in bloom. The fragrance is so heady it's hard to leave the space. I inadvertently had a brain burp and ended up with a larger than planned fall garden at Maypop. I'm now running back and forth to tend veggies at Maypop and orchids in Atlanta.

Elaine, I forgot to mention the Clivia that is really enjoying cooler days. Regarding the basil, cut the seed heads and dry on some newspaper or paper towels for next year. Then just lay the seed heads on the ground in spring where you want basil. Basil seed requires light to germinate so you need do nothing more. Cut bunches now for Thai basil pesto. I freeze pestos in saved takeout condiment cups. One little cup is enough for half a pound of pasta.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

thanks for the info on basil.
Also,, my coleus from Mike are just beeeeutiful.
My hoya in the pot died, but the cuttings I think will make it. They had lots of roots and I put them in bark mixed with soil.

Dahlonega, GA

I got a peanut butter too . Doing great , but , will it winter over or do I need to take it to Tex where it won't freeze ?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

They're supposed to be borderline hardy up our way, Sally. I'd say maybe sink the pot so the roots don't get too frozen. I've got a Vitex with similar growing conditions and it has done fine the past four or five winters.

Dahlonega, GA

I do have it buried in the seasoned compost pile . I'll put a little extra on it .

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have 5 healthy rose of sharon, as well as that beautiful japanese black pine, (having mixed emotioned about bonsi), I think it will more beautiful, as an ornamental, but haven't desided.
I have creaping jenny, and growing strong, as well as some, that I can't name from Danita, that are growing well.

Laurel, do those orchids, that you have mounted, require more watering, than those in the pot? I guess I'm refering to Phal, Thats the only thing I can keep growing. BTW, I am so jealious over your collection.
Also, I have tried very unsucessfully at growing Vitex, would you share your secrete?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Mike, so glad to hear the Rose of Sharon and creeping jenny are doing well. As for the orchids, many of mine are mounted and need daily watering in summer and almost daily watering in winter. The water is on an automated, timed misting system in the greenhouse for when we are away but I prefer to hand water when we are there so it's tailored to the needs of each plant. I've got water plumbed and a special hand misting system in the solarium, which has stone floors. Maybe you can come enjoy my collection one of these days. As for the Vitex, I ripped a volunteer seedling out of the Atlanta patio last winter and stuck it in a pot. It was dormant but took quite a bit of abuse trying to get it unwedged from the patio stones. To my surprise, it leafed out beautifully this past spring and is now about 3'-4' tall. I'd gladly gift it to you after it goes dormant this winter if you'd like to come pick it up at either house. LMK.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

That sounds like a real deal, and I'll take you up on that.
I actually tried seeds, but to no avail, I have to look that up, to see how its done.I know its done in nature, as to what stratification, I have no idea.
We'll get together, on me seeing your orchids, and Vitex. Mike

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Mike, I had this one volunteer and with a Vitex at each house I'd be happy to share. You'll have to come to Atlanta to see the orchids but if that's not possible I'll bring the Vitex here. I understand that since it's a true shrub it can be propagated from cuttings too. We'll be in touch.

Elaine, the Salvia 'Phyllis Fancy' continues to make more flower spikes each time I return to Maypop garden. That and Danita' Salvia greggii. It's delightful to have these flowers coming into their own just as everything else is going to sleep.

Thumbnail by MaypopLaurel
Dahlonega, GA

Mike , do you remember what herbs you brought ? I still can't I D that one from you , but know I'm going to take it with me for a house plant over winter .The peanut butter is really pretty , It'll go dormant soon .

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Aren't you supposed to be making fried pies and ice cream with Eufaula, Sally? Did you pick up the Q maker?

Dahlonega, GA

Just got home . We had a quiet weekend and she already had fried pies made . I only had three . Then cherry pie for breakfast this morning . Even Johnny had some and he eats very little sweets .
My tard is hanging out.We got it home and I told her we got much the better end of the bargain . She insists she did , but I think she will be disappointed over the volume of stuff that has to go in it . I still think the way to go is to let the haybales break down into compost .My compost/ potting soil is beautiful from bales .

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Your tard is hanging out? Don't tell. You might get kicked off. LOL I've no idea what you traded for the Q pit but if it's Johnny I'd have kept him even if he is a broken down hay bale only worth composting. :>) If Eufaula revives him you might want him back and she might not want the BBQ.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

BTW, he's pretty slim. How much stuff has to go into him? Doesn't seem like it would be much.

Dahlonega, GA

I had one of those big compost tumblers that was too much trouble for me . She wanted it and said she had the bq for sale ,could we trade ?
Johnny's gained 15 lbs this summer . Still looks good tho . I'm the one out of shape , I don't recognise me when I pass a full length mirror
When your tard hangs out it's spelled that way because you're too tard to spell tired. Another regional thing . Ha ha

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hahahaha. Got me!

Just finished picking greens to bring back to Atlanta. I'm puzzled by the lack of bugs in the veggies. I've got a bag each of collards, mustard, kale and arugula. The turnips need to get bigger. Enough for the week. The salvias from Elaine and Danita are more spectacular each day!

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey! I just want to drop in to say hello. I haven't spent much time on the forum lately. The kids keep me so busy or vice versa - keep 'em out of trouble. Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for having met such wonderful friends here on DG.

Welcome to the cold, rainy weather....

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Nicole. Missed you here. With the holidays upon us I guess we are all busy. We had a wonderful TG. DG friends from FL joined us and were houseguests during the holiday. We spent ten days at the Miami house before that. I've been having a ball in my new attached growing space affectionately known as "the greenhut". So much fun to spend time in the steamy space with my two hundred or so orchids. Hoyas from Suz keep them company. Tomorrow night is the first candle lighting of Hanukkah so I am getting the house ready for that. Though we are empty nest I make traditional foods every night.

Isn't it quiet without Sally (Digger)? Hope she gets connected soon.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2010 3:26 PM

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I didn't realise just how much she is missed. Mike

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Laurel, sounds like you had a wonderful TG, especially in the warm weather. So jealous! Someday....

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