Osprey season 2010 - Two chicks in a shallow nest.

PERTH, Australia

Quote from GrannyGrunt :

It reminds me of one of my neighbor's brats!

Two or four legged? LOL

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Hey, maybe you can rig some sort of trapeze net under that nest! I'm starting to get worried because of Harmony's accidental fledge last year

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Quote from MargaretK :

Two or four legged? LOL


Melbourne, FL

It looks like the little one has stopped growing. So sad. I hope it can make it, but things don't look good.

PERTH, Australia

Spot on, Mrs Ed. It is a real worry.

GP, you're right. The little one doesn't appear to be getting any bigger, although its appearance has changed. Anticipate the worst and be happy if the worst doesn't happen.

We're expecting rain (LOL) either later this afternoon or tomorrow, so it will depend on the weather whether I go this afternoon.

Here's a shot from yesterday of Dad flying down onto the nest.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Sandusky, OH

Nice shots Margaret!! Hard to get bigger when your bigger sibling won't leave you alone. lol
He is growing but so is big brother/sister.

Rockport, TX(Zone 9a)

These photos are unbelievable. I couldn't even tell you which one is my favorite.

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I stopped trying to pick a favorite long ago too. They're all beautiful. All of us are hoping that little chick will make it.

London, United Kingdom

Sometimes the little one can strike back. Here is my all time favourite video clip of the lttle one (called Flag) striking back successfully. Watch at http://puleston.osprey.bnl.org/OspreyFund/HighlightClips/060622_2047-my-turn.rm

PERTH, Australia

Wow, that's an amazing video, Tiger. Really feisty. Our little one, once it's been attacked by its sibling just lies there, exhausted. Even after the bigger one has had its fill, the little on doesn't actively seek food. I watched yesterday afternoon as the larger chick was fed. The little one was right next to it, but Big Hook didn't even glance in its direction. Eventually, after the larger one had had its fill, she started to feed to little one and I saw it receive three pieces of fish. Then the larger one woke up from a doze and promptly went for its sibling, which sort of toppled over and made no effort to get up and Big Hook made no further attempts to feed it.

Also, it is being exposed to the elements. The last couple of days have been quite warm and it has been out in the sun, whilst the larger chick is in the shade provided by Big Hook. If it attempts to move into the shade, the other one goes it. Today it's cool and we've had a good amount of rain. I'm about to go down the nest, but if the little one was out in the open during the downpour, I wouldn't like its chances. The odds just seem to be stacked against it.

I hope I'm wrong.

PERTH, Australia

I've just been to the nest, with binoculars. Big Hook was snuggled down and her back and wings were very wet. She moved after a few minutes and brought a piece of remnant fish and proceeded to give the larger chick a good feed. She didn't feed the younger one, that's if it was what I could see next to the big one. I could see some movement.

Melbourne, FL

Horrible news, Margaret. If the little one does die, I will find it hard to cheer on the big one for a while....I'm sure eventually I will be happy that one chick was raised successfully. Nature is cruel.

PERTH, Australia

GP, you've put my own thoughts into words. It is nature in its most raw state and the older chick is following primordial instincts.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Yes nature is cruel,sadly = {

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sometimes, I really want to have a talk with Mother Nature and ask her what made her think this was a good idea. I have seen the same type of attacks with my rehab ducks but I am always there to intervene. Too bad we cannot sneak pieces of fish to the little one!

Keeping fingers crossed!!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

It is hard to understand, especially since there is plenty of fish available. I was so hopeful.....

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I wonder if it would have been the same if there were three.

Melbourne, FL

I think the second baby might have made it, since it would have been a similar size to the bully. I don't think this third one ever stood a chance. Hope he proves me wrong.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well what I was wondering is if as much bullying goes on when there is three? Maybe the bullying is spread around. While #1 and #2 are fighting, then #3 gets fed and shaded? Dunno. How many were in Scotland this summer?

PERTH, Australia

It will come as no surprise that there is only one chick alive at the nest.

Who knows what has happened in previous years. Possibly the same, it's just that the nest cup was deeper and we weren't able to see into it as we have been this year. Saying that, Old Ma and Dad raised multiple chicks. We locals all think that Big Hook is still an inexperienced bird and this may well be the reason for such sad outcomes this season.

I'm otherwise occupied tomorrow, so the earliest I'll start a new thread will be Saturday.

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

Sadly Margaret I think we all knew it was going to happen very soon = { = { although we tried to keep up hope. I hope you are doing something fun today ,looking forward to the new thread. Tamara

Melbourne, FL

Sad but not unexpected news. There were two chicks at the Scottish nest this past year, and during the mothers illness the unexperienced father took over and kept the babies going. The mother recovered and all turned out well, but with her advanced age, only time will tell if she returns next season.

Marlton, NJ

Sorry to hear this Margaret.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

So sad.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)


Sigh. Well now all my good thoughts go towards the last chick. S/he may have bullied, but is still so vulnerable as well.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

It is so sad, but not a suprise.

I think the assumption that Big Hook is a young mom is correct from the actions you witnessed with dad.

Not fair at all to blame the other chick for doing what is typical bird behavior. So hoping the best for it, because I still worry about that shallow nest.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sad news. I was so hopeful. I have been calling the older chick Brutus, Brute and Bluto (depending on what he was doing to the younger chick)...I guess they all were appropriate. :o(

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Such a sad bit of news Margaret. I know you're feeling low, hope there's still a chance for the remaining chick to survive.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Still hoping, but expecting the worst. But one is still good.

London, United Kingdom

Mrs_Ed There were three chicks in the most famous Scottish nest ie. Loch Garten. They were very well fed and all fledged. There was no agression in the nest. Here are some pictures from the season. See http://www.youtube.com/user/444ACE444#p/u/103/PCuI-tbNXJ0

There was extreme drama in the other Scottish nest, ie Loch of The Lowes. The old female looked as if she had a stroke about May 20th and it looked as if she was going to die on the nest. However on the third day she recovered and finished the season normally. If she returns in March 2011 she will be at least 22 years old.

South Hamilton, MA

I didn't see the 3rd chick get much if anything.

PERTH, Australia

I'll end the thread on this sad note and start a new one. Let's hope the surviving chick makes it though to fledging without incident.

Here's the link to the new thread: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1136955/

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

one last note to Tiger. We follow the Loch of the Lowes here. It was some high drama there!

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