Division question

West Branch, IA(Zone 5b)

I got a beautiful Candy Wind hibiscus in the spring. It has bloomed beautifully,first in my greenhouse & later outside. I thought it was 1 plant but on inspection discovered there are 5 cuttings in a 6 in pot.I intended to separate them much earlier but didn't get to it. Now I'm wondering if I can
divide these up or should I put them in a larger pot as is? They require a lot of water in the small pot.
Doris z5

Lindenhurst, NY

HI, wish I could help you but i don't know the answer to this.
My personal experience with things like this is to wait for spring but lets see what the experts say.

Brewster, MN(Zone 4b)

I'm in the same situation, hope someone has some advice.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

You can absolutely separate the plants. Take it all out of the pot and tease the roots free (kinda like working knots out of your hair). If you do lose a lot of roots, just trim the plants back so the roots and foliage area match. They will wilt for a while, but don't stress too much. Water them in well and wait, they'll come back in a week or so.
Good luck!

Brewster, MN(Zone 4b)

Well, I spent 35 minutes teasing the roots apart and didn't lose too many roots. It's a challange, be patient! Pruned the tops back quite hard and replanted in seperate pots. So far they look pretty good, considering.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I bought a double white hibiscus earlier this year and then realized it was four plants. All four are apart and have done great.
Love it when that happens!

West Branch, IA(Zone 5b)

Well, I decided to leave mine alone until early spring.,mainly to save space.I'm taking good care of it,seeing that it has adequate water.It
is still putting out blooms.So pretty.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Cool! I bought some more hibiscus that were on clearance a few weeks ago. There are two plants in each pot and they're root bound. Like you, I'm going to keep these together until next Spring to save space.

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