Seed Request...

Belton, TX

Some of you have already been very generous with your seed contributions to a large restoration project at the education is greatly appreciated!...

We are still looking for 100 seeds or cuttings of each the following:

American Smoke Tree ( Cotinus obovatus), zones 4aq-8b
Sweetwood (Myrospermum sousanum), zone 10a
Guajillo, Huajillo, or Tenaza (Havardia pallens), zones 9a-11
Texas Hawthorn (Crataegus texana)..
Kidneywood (Eysenhardtia texana)...zones 8a-11
Texas Almond (Prunus minutiflora)...zones 8a-10b
Texas Pistache (Pistacia mexicana)..zones 7a-9a

Sumacs...prefer cuttings, but seeds would be great as well:
Tri-leaf (Rhus trilobata...Evergreen (Rhus virens)...and Littleleaf (Rhus microphylla)...

I would be happy to re-pay postage or provide a trade in seeds or plants....Thank you, MaryAnn

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