How long before my saplings look like trees?

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm growing a few trees that I started from bare root this spring. They're doing OK, but are really awkward looking. This one is a cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadow'. Just looks weird . . .

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

And this is a cercis canadensis (eastern redbud). He grew like crazy, but just by throwing out a few really long branches with huge leaves - which looks a bit comical on a small sapling! Will they start looking like small trees next year, do you think?

Thumbnail by sherriseden
Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

They are probably spending all their energy on the root system now. I think the Redbud will take off the fastest. My Pagoda Dogwoods grow pretty fast, but my Kousa is a slow one, not familiar with the Dogwood you have.

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, pastime! I hope you're right!

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

I have found c. alternifolia Golden Shadows to be a good grower.
I had terrible luck with the prior variegated pagoda dogwood cultivars ('variegata').
So I've been very happy with the increased vigor of Golden Shadows.
Your plant looks like a happy youngster.
I think you'll love it.

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

That's encouraging - thanks, Weerobin!

Danville, IN

Your redbud will put out anywhere from 3' to 5' of new growth next year. I've grown many from seeds spouting in my landscaping. In only three years, you can have 9'-10' trees. It would help them grow faster if you prune off "extra" branches to leave just two or three to develop into the main trunks. Alternatively, I have a friend who actually loosely braided three long, second-year shoots while they were still supple and now has the most beautiful and unusual braided trunk redbud.

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Cool - I think I'll do that as I'm having a hard time deciding which of the three or four big branches should be the main trunk!

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Apply the three year rule to your dogwood - apply the three week rule to your eastern redbud.LOL I love and propagate both with their seeds - both need chilling hours, but dogwoods need less. They will both be great trees. We must ensure they are watered regularly in their early years, do to our high heat and humidity. I wish you well. I propagate cornus florida, native to our area. I'm not familiar with your dogwood. I love them all.

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, I've watered my little saplings regularly - a little each day. Thanks!

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I had a nice little Pagoda Dogwood growing in a pot all summer. With this heat wave we've had lately, I wasn't vigilant enough with watering. Wouldn't you know it, the 2' tree got fried. Bummer.
I have to water more now than I did all summer. It's so very dry here, the ground is cracked. Other than that, I'm really enjoying the beautiful fall weather.

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