Is this the work of moles?

Litchfield Park , AZ(Zone 9b)

I think I have a family of moles living in my yard. What ever it is, it begins its tunnels around the bird feeder and moves from there out through my yard. Now it is even going into my raised vegetable beds! I have put what are suppose to be deterrents (tubes of garlic oil) but it just pushes the tubes out. I tried granular poison but that did not work either, so I thought I better be sure that the damage is coming from moles before I try the next poison of look-like worms.
I have caught 11 chipmunks in my live traps near the house but I don't think they leave mounds of soil, do they?.
Can anyone out there confirm this is mole damage?

Thumbnail by dmwade
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Definitely mole damage. Almost looks like my yard. :)

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

That is my whole yard right now.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Yep. I feel your pain.
I had called critter ridders a few years back, and after quoting me an outrageous price, he pointed out that the moles where in my land long before my house was built. Sigh. He's right. I just try to tolerate the moles now, even though it drives me nuts.

Olympia, WA

There are NO deterrents for moles - only the stabbing mole traps which can be sold in WA state, but cannot be used in WA state - LOL.

Yes - it is pricey to get professional help. I had a friend wire up explosives to detonate when a mole disrupted things. Yes, it was illegal. Yes, he blew up a lot of moles. Oh, BTW, he also blew off part of his hand when one of them went off in his shop while he was working on it.

Moles won't be interested in phony worms - their sense of smell is too highly developed. Remember that sight is not a strength feature for denizens of the deep dirt. They won't eat gum or any of the other things for sale.

So, if you CAN set traps that kill, you might have some success - but you need to read the directions and remember the issue about pets and kids. OR - you might just learn to live and let live. It adds serenity to your soul. My DIL hand picked all the dandelion flowers on her newly purchased 5 acres, and nearly went into a nervous breakdown when there was a whole new crop the next day. She now has learned to live and let live.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

The thing about the traps (I have one), is that you have to "know" where the mole is, and if you don't set it "just so," it doesn't work. Now, when I feel compelled, I just simply walk on the tunnels to make the ground even again. Just think of the moles giving you free "soil aeration." :)

Wannadanc, that's funny about your daughter. I did the same thing with my front yard when I first moved into my home. :)

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh boy, do I feel your pain.... mine is doubled because I have dogs who insist on going in after them (lol riiiiiiiiight) ~ can you say "a day late and a dollar short"?!! even nicer are the PITS in my back yard you can bury a large animal in (hmmmmmm).

I've heard that growing Castor Beans are supposed to do something to deter the moles, but I dunno about that either. I had a mole trail run right beside one I'd planted a couple of years ago.

Chew the gum. Save your money you might otherwise spend on "mole poles" or whatever they are. A friend of mine swears by hers, but I think she's got micers (cats) in the neighborhood loose at night getting the moles. We had those (about a foot long, green plastic stake that's supposed to emit some sound they don't like). Yeah. All that did was annoy the crap outta ME!

Berne, IN

There is a simple product that will get rid of your moles, in about 20 minutes. The Underground Exterminator attaches your car muffler to a garden hose, moles are killed in their tunnels!

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

all right, Joe!!! i'll definitely check that out.
kinda reminds me of the greenskeeper on Caddyshack, although he was after gophers.
i'd heard that you can also shove your garden hose directly into one of their most recent 'runs' and get them, but you have to be able to determine the freshest ones. i don't know if i can.

i'm currently battling cottontails, raccoons, squirrels and deer ;-

Waynesburg, PA

I tried what the amish said to do mix cod liver oil with water and it seems to be working in my flower garden so far I spray every couple of days

Olympia, WA

Castor oil??? LOL I don't know if I would want walk through the results - remembering well the good old days of castor oil!!!!!!! I am guessing, james75, that you are intending this for the browsers and grazers - not for the denizens of the deep!!!!

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

OH yes I do remember those days of taking that nasty tasting stuff. But maybe that is the key, it taste

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