CLOSED: Have a couple of packs to trade:

Mesilla Park, NM

Closed: All seeds gone, may have a few more Hollyhock seeds left.

Giant African Gourd Seeds (2 packs 10 seeds each) FRESH
Blue Palo Verde Tree Ceridium Floridum without thorns (2 packs 5 seeds each) Fresh seeds
Palo Verde Tree Ceridium microphyllum with thorns (2 packs 5 seeds each) Fresh seeds
I. purpurea Rebecca Morning Glories
Hollyhocks several colors, all separated from 2009 photos of them can be seen here:

Looking for

Morning GLory Bush I. carnea seeds for the White flowered one mostly, but will take pink also.
Morning Glory Bush I. carnea ssp. fistulosa
Climbing Milkweeds only

Thank you for looking and feel free to d-mail me.

This message was edited Oct 5, 2010 10:48 AM

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