How do you store dahlias?

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I am going to be receiving some Dahlia's from my Grandmother soon and want to know how to store them. I am new to dahlia's so I want to make sure I do them correctly and don't ruin them. Any help would be appreciated! =)


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

There are several ways to store dahlias. First let them dry enough to knock the dry soil off. Then you can store them in mulch, or I have read where the dahlia society people, some of them, are wrapping theirs in saran. I have not tried that but think it would be cool. Store them in a place where they will not freeze, but will not be real warm either. Sometimes it is hard to find the right place.

I have heard of people storing them under their houses, in the crawl space, if you don't have a garage. If you do have a garage or storage shed of some kind it would probably work if you have them in enough mulch that they will not freeze.

I am sure someone will come along with better instructions than I have given you, but this is something to give you an idea as to how and where. Good luck, they are well worth the work. (in zone 5 I would say in a cool room in a basement would be best if you have such a place)

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm wondering about this too- I haven't tried storing them before, but this year I have some that I really don't want to chance leaving in the ground. I plan on putting them in the garage- it doesn't get down to freezing out there, but I need to know how to best wrap/pack/protect them.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the useful information. Unfortunately at this time we do not have a garage or shed. We do have a cellar. Our house is 160 years old so the cellar is stone. Maybe they would be good down there?


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi momoftwo607. A cold dark cellar will work. Temperature should be no warmer than 50F. If your cellar is a little warmer you might try putting them in a stryrofoam box with the opening against an outside wall. Hope this helps.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

how about the outside stairwell that leads down to the cellar? Would that be too cold? I'm trying to think of places to put them. I will have to see how warm the cellar gets. Don't remember. Any other info is appreciated. =)


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

The crawl space in my daughters room might not get above 50. I will have to check. I'm trying to think of places to put them. hmmm.....


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

This is a good how/to

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Thank you.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, that's wonderful- thanks for the link! :)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Something else for you guys who want to hold them over, I queried the American Dahlia Society last year and they had a lot of good info on their web page for this very thing.

West Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm sure my unheated basement isn't always below 50F, but mine keep fine. I dust them with horticultural sulfur, then wrap them in saran wrap, then store them in zip loc bags filled with perlite. Others store them in vermiculite. The Saran wrap is a good idea I hear a lot of success stories with it.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

where would you buy horticultrual sulfur?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I would imagine in almost any garden supply.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

ok . my brothers works at lowe's I will have him check for me. lol.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

DRAT! I was at Lowe's today and forgot to look for the sulpher! I got distracted by the daylilies for $3.33 each... LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, good reason to go back. Oh, and look at the daylilies again. LOL

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