Chinese indigo cold hardiness

Sumter, SC

I bought several Chinese indigo's (indigofera decora) and I'm wondering if it's ok to plant them outdoors this late in the season. Didn't know they were zone 8b - the tag only indicated they were cold hardy to zone 8.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

I'd chance planting them and then mulch over towards November - If the weathermen are right and I think they are this time (lol) we are really going to be in for a cold one this year ...

I'm always on the lookout for clearance prices -Grabbed some Helianthus, Asters, Ajuga, Helleborous oh and Crinums that were on sale up in Newberry today - :) wanna come help me plant next week (oh and two flats of snaps n pansies...yeah i know...tropical storm tonight with high winds and I'm still buying stuff lol)

Sumter, SC

My indigo's were clearance priced, too - another good thing about this time of year! I'll definitely get them in ground tomorrow and mulch later for a very cold winter. (Like I had a choice - don't have space to overwinter them.)
After the Pee Dee flower show, I'm probably going to need field workers myself:) The upcoming cool weather is going to be perfect for re engineering our yards. I actually used a little heat in my car today - loving the cool air!

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

uhoh...branden just said Lowe's marked down today...wanna go tomorrow?

Sumter, SC

Thanks for the head's up. I'm going to drop by early this morning. I'm almost out of cat food and afraid they're going to revolt, so it's off to Walmart.
I didn't clean my dad's house yesterday because of the weather, so I'll be doing that as soon as I get back. The main thing I'm interested in at lowe's are their palms. If Sam is there, she might let be buy them for half price. She's a sweetheart and a good person to get to know there. ( I wish they'd put pond liners on sale.)

We still have to go to 'Mr. Jackie's' and Brunson's nursery in Alcolu. My backyard got an additional 1.5" of rain. Just
right for digging!

Have a terrific day, Deanna!

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