Air Layering?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I thought I would give this a try.I never had a need to try air layering before now,but as I have a really lovely variegated Schefflera arboricola which I haven't had any success propagating from cuttings I have decided to have a go. I am really hoping I have done it correctly and that my efforts weren't in vain.I googled the instructions. Please don't tell me I have wasted my time :0(
Any experts here who can enlighten me?

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Inland S.E QLD , Australia


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Inland S.E QLD , Australia


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Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Instructions said to *ring bark* and then scrape cambium layer..
I didn't have access to sphagnum moss so used moist compost. I then wrapped in a double layer of clear plastic and sealed the ends with twist ties.And finally covering in alfoil.
Will it be a success?

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Whenever I have air layered Judy...I only go as far as your 2nd pic...and put a match in between the stem and the bark to hold it open...then I pack it with damp Spaghnum moss, enclose it in plastic, tie the ends and wait.
But if that is the way you have been instructed...go for it.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes Dianne,That's the way I always thought to do it...I was a bit dubious doing it this way as I always thought if you completely ring bark it then the sap supply is stopped...

Clifton Springs, Australia

Judy, after my experience with Frangipanis that don't die after being ringbarked, I really don't know if that is so.
The Frangis in question all rotted at the base and the cambian layer was non existent for about 5cm on 3 of them...they are still going...they don't grow but they get leaves and they don't die and last year I cut about 60cms off one of them and it is growing very well in the ground...I have another cutting to go in the ground in late Spring.

Maybe there is enough energy to throw out roots from that area that you have exposed.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2010 6:51 PM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Some of you may be interested to see the results.This is after removing the outer Aluminium foil.

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Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Under the plastic..

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Inland S.E QLD , Australia


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Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Ta da!

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barmera, Australia

Well done Judy. Colleen

Well done!
Did you try the water treatment?
I have grown the ordinary umbrella tree very easily from cutting ...just snapped off the growing tip and planted it.
It must be hard to grow because of the variegation do you think?

Clifton Springs, Australia

Well done Judy.....clever girl.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I had no success growing them the usual way from cuttings. I'd lose them all. I did 3 air layers and they all worked. I am going to do more but this time I will use sphagnum moss and maybe a little root hormone to speed up the process. I am really pleased it worked because I haven't been able to find this particular cultivar again in any of the nurseries I've checked. - So if any of you have a really nice plant that you find hard to propagate the usual way from cuttings then this just may be the way to go -. Might also try it on a couple of old Roses and some of the Brugmansias.

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barmera, Australia

Judy I have been thinking about this air layering and thought that I might give Sanguinea a go like this. I did get sang. to root in spagnum moss but it was too damp and it rotted, so back to the drawing board. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I think that's a good idea Colleen.Just make sure you squeeze out the excess water from the moss only want it moist not wet.And seal it well so no moisture can escape.

I have been pretty busy with things this week Colleen so will send plants next week.

barmera, Australia

It's okay Judy you can wait til after Christmas if you like as I will be away over Christmas . I'm leaving on the 23rd. Colleen

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Ok will do.

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