Who Hybridized Triumphator?

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

How do you find out who hybridized a certain lily? This information does not seem as readily available for lilies as it is for most other plants.

I am curious since I have been contacted by someone claiming to be a relative of a lily hybridizer. Of course there is a sad story.....but bottom line they are wanting bulbs. I don't mind sending them a few of what I have extra of regardless. But it did get me wondering.....

Fixing all my typos!

This message was edited Sep 25, 2010 2:55 PM

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

I tried to cross it with Vandella, Tanita, Santa Rosa, El Condor and Faith, all classified as Longiflorum-Oriental. The ones listed are all new for me 2010. None of them took. At the time I purchased my LO, I asked the supplier if they would set seed. I was told that they were created in the lab and they didn't really know. They ask me to let them know if I had any luck. To me the are sterile......

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

The person who has contacted me said they are the granddaughter of the person who hybridized Triumphator among others that I have. So what I am wondering is who hybridized Triumphator. I have never seen this information anywhere.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Try B & D Lilies (they sell them) They're very helpful.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

That's because Triumphator is a trade designation name for the real cultivar name - Zanlophator.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Thank you both for the information......very helpful!

I will send the person what I can because I like sharing if I can, but I am not convinced they are who they say they are now.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2010 11:04 AM

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I can remember when it was first introduced. It was here around 1994, or 1995, I think. Not positive on that, but I think it was the first in the new group of LOs. And I remember it was hybridized in the Netherlands.

So, even if your person is related to the hybridizer, it's not like it's a hard to find Triumphator, anyway. Readily available in the trade.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Triumphator is readily available and they have been told that. The others they are wanting were hybridized by Hod Hoepner and are not available to buy anywhere that I am aware of. I was lucky enough to have someone share them with me when I first got lilies 3 years ago. As far as I can tell he had nothing to do with Triumphator.

This is all happening thru another site I belong to. I just hate to think someone is being deceitful to get something I guess.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I just looked up your 'Schellenbaum' ~ and it's gorgeous!

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Why not start with the grandparent who supposedly did the hybridization and find out what you can about him or her. That person would have to be known in botany or floral circles, and it would help to know the year(s) she thinks the grandparent did the hybridizing.

It is not so difficult to get these bulbs, so I would not put up with too much begging. We have all had heartbreaks about what we meant to take with us but did not.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

She is repeating information that is easily found online, so sadly I think she is trying to something for nothing from people.

Hod Hoepner was very well known, having several registered liles and was a founder of the Wisconsin Regional Lily Society and a longtime NALS member.

'Schellenbaum' was a knockout!! Sadly that one did not survive and succumbed to rot. Though I have not given up completely that it could show up again....maybe. I could have cried over that one!

Anyway, the issue has been resolved as far as I am concerned. But I thank you all for your input and this gave me a chance to get my thoughts and feelings organized and some information to help me.

You great DG'ers came thru for a member in need of help!

Thanks so much!

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