CLOSED: Freckle Face blackberry lily Stamps or Trades

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Freckle Face Blackberry Lily ~ Belamcanda chinensis 'Freckle Face'

-aka- Leopard Lily

DG info for this plant:

Offered - Packets containing approx. 24 seeds.  Enough for anyone to start a nice stand of this member of the Iris family ( Iridaceae) in a full sun to part sun (afternoon sun) location.  These seeds will bring dark to medium orange blooms with red "freckles".

Trades: Please check my WANT list then propose your trade in DMail ===>

Stamps - . . . What I need from you:

A self-addressed business-size envelope (SAE) with 2 LOOSE "Forever" postage stamps - or an equivalent amount in denominated postage stamps (88˘).  Please note on the lower left corner of the outer envelope:  "Freckle Face".

If you live outside the U.S., just contact me in DMail to discuss doing the postage via PayPal.

My postal addy == >

If you can't see the DG address exchange, send a DMail for my postal info,
using this link == >   and request my postal mailing address.

These seeds are super easy to germinate - -before sowing, I dust the seeds by shaking them in an old pill bottle containing about 1/8th teaspoon of ground cinnamon - a natural anti-fungal agent that helps prevent "damp off".  Sow seeds about ź inch deep.

A T B T Y !       ~       ŁazŁo     ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by LazLo

envelope on the way. cant wait for the seeds. thanks

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Lazlo, my Dear- you do come up with the loveliest seeds. I would really like to try a few of these. I just mailed your latest parcel of goodies yesterday, darn the timing! I can get another envelope with some stamps out in the next few days.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I definitely need to stop by to see your 'weeds'. They're all beautiful!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Please count me in for these seeds.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

just taken this morning . . .

Thumbnail by LazLo
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwww those are so cute.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

How cute those would be in a pot! Haven't been on this forum in a while - too dang hot to think about planting anything - lol...

LazLo, can I get some of these and some Amaranth seeds and some Wild Petunia seeds? I don't have anything on your trade list though I do have a couple pots of some weird looking Aloe you might like. I'll get a pic and d-mail it to you. My aunt gave them to me when she moved so I have no idea what kind they are... Otherwise, lemme know how many stamps for all those seeds and I'll get it in the mail to you.


Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Count me in too please. I'll send out an envie in the morning. Thank you :)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Kelly -   sure 'nuff, dearheart . . . DMail that weird aloe pic . . . i am interested in your Hibiscus moscheutos 'Southern Belle', so if i like that aloe,too, perhaps we can just do a trade and skip mailing stamps?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Okey dokey then... I'll snap a pic for you after work and check on the Southern Belle seeds. I believe I still have some. I never seem to find the time to update my list - oh woe is me...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'd love to try growing Freckle Face since my NOID Blackberry Lily died this year. It bloomed and a few weeks later there was nothing left in the spot. Would you please reserve a pack of seeds for me for postage? One of these days I'm gonna have something on your wants list :)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I wish I would have known you wanted Bishop's Weed last month when I was in Maine. My Mom has that stuff everywhere - lol... I d-mailed you the pics of the Aloes I have and will wait your verdict;o)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

FOTV -   Do you have any rooted cuttings of your verbena? I'd love to trade for one or two of 'em.

This message was edited Sep 27, 2010 11:11 PM

If that was directed at me, I will check when I get home. I have Verbena Bonariensis, Lemon Verbena, and one other Verbena whose identity I will double-check (low growing and spreads by stolons)

I'm in Hawaii until tomorrow night.
Functioning back in CA again on Wednesday.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure do and will do, LazLo.


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

LazLo - If FOTV doesn't have any Verbena, I can gladly dig some from the yard in the spring. :)

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

TEMPORARILY CLOSED . . . Waiting for more seed pods to become ready . . .

            Will start a new thread soon . . .

Thumbnail by LazLo
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hey LazLo - check your d-mail for the Aloe pics and lemme know...


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Thank You for the seeds. I really appreciate what you sent me.
Yer the Best!

casselberry, FL

lazlo...hi what do u think of mexican many mixed opinions here in florida they r on the do not plant list and i have heard they sell the plants sterile in florida... i am trying to find the seeds on this u know where they r..suppos there is a pod ...maybe not if they r sterile...just asking u because u seem so knowledgeable on all plant matters thank.....Daphne

casselberry, FL

hey lazlo...i have sprouted freckle face and star hibicus

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