More Rebloomers

Boaz, KY

I didn't even realize that *Feedback* was a rebloomer until I saw a flower stem start to grow. Now I've got several stalks blooming, and seven more that are on the way. Wow-wow-wow!!! This is fun!! :-D

Thumbnail by Muddymitts
Boaz, KY

Here's a close-up -- pretty, isn't it? I almost moved this Iris this summer. It hadn't bloomed, and I didn't know what it looked like, and I wanted that spot for something else. I changed my mind and decided to let it bloom next spring and then move it if I still wanted to. Oh boy -- am I glad I left it alone. It surely would not have bloomed if I'd moved it!

Thumbnail by Muddymitts
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow - it's a beauty!

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm starting to think none of my rebloomers are going to pop this year...guess the heat and the lack of rain over July/August has really done a number.

South Hamilton, MA

They DO need more water in the summer. However if putting on new growth, they may start later.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

My second one has bloomed but I think it is the same as the first. I will post on Friday.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Ahh, surprise. I walk out this morning to a beautiful bloom on Constant Companion.

: )

Least Max got a 'present' on his birthday. He had to give it a sniff as we headed out on the start of our walk...

Boaz, KY

Oh! Pictures please!!!!! :-D

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

Autumn Circus is once again REblooming! This is its 2nd bloom stalk and another one is up too. Only 2 blooms manage to open on the first 2 stalks but I don't care -- this is SEPTEMBER and an iris is open and lovely.

Thumbnail by Pegwesttx
Boaz, KY

That's a beauty Peg -- thanks for sharing!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am trying to add rebloomers here too. WHat are your best ones?

sulking..... i have Feedback and while it has always put on a good show , mine has never rebloomed. Lucky you

South Hamilton, MA

It never rebloomed for us when we had it. Too far north & a short growing season, I suspect.

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