From Feast to Famine!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ok everyone .. we need to go outside tonight and do a collective rain dance. Weather's been nice and especially cool at night but waaaaay too dry! I had to use the sprinkler on the front yard. Back yard is next for it.

Doesn't look good at all for the next week for rain .. sigh.

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Sumter, SC

I feel your pain, madame X . I tried doing a rain dance last week, but it only frightened the cats. I'm ready to sacrifice rodents, but I swear those ground voles can read my mind. According to accuweather, we're going to need supplemental water for another 2 weeks. Have mercy!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ahhh Madam X .. one of my favorite movies .. I like the 1937 version the best, but still love the 1966 remake with Lana Turner & John Forsythe. It had a slightly different story line. There was even a 1929 version which I haven't seen but would love to. The story was based on a 1908 play by Alexandre Bisson called Madame X: A Story of Mother-Love.

Sumter, SC

I agree - the original version was the best. Hail black and white classic movies!

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