Apropos of Nothing v.19

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Ha! I'm over 40, (as are a lot of my friends) and I spend a lot of time on Facebook. I love it over there. But I think the recipe contest should have stayed here with the rest of the "fair". There were only three recipes that got more than a few votes- mine, and one other lady's... both of us had our Facebook friends voting for us. Hardly any DG members went over there.

But I think there was enough negative feedback about all this that admin won't make the same mistake again. People were pretty unhappy about it.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Pony, several messages up - was that you doing your exercises, or WW's buddilea coming out? Either way, it made me chuckle when I read it.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm over 50 and a very reluctant Facebooker, although I do check it daily. It keeps me up to date on what my kids and relatives are doing, and it is nice to browse through photos (except folks don't seem to show much restraint and will post WAY more pics than needed, often several almost identical, lots of blurry ones, etc. I have also found the "hide" feature quite useful, as opposed to unfriending.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Hehe. Laurie, that was me having overdone it with driving/shopping/lugging groceries.

Today I really did a number on myself. I had to dig all the stuff for my trades that have been waiting. A ton of daylilies and Asiatic lilies. I am a seriously hurtin' unit right now. But I got it done. Still have to package and ship it all. That can wait til tomorrow.

I didn't get my box of new daylilies planted. Just couldn't do any more today. Maybe tomorrow. They're going to shrivel up and die if I don't get them in the ground soon. :(

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

give the daylilie's roots a covering of old sheeting or towelling - wet them, and they will be happy for a while. Plants are such polite things. Enjoy the gardening, but keep within the boundaries of (sorta')good sense.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I have them (the new DLs) soaking in water- I'm getting them in the ground tomorrow no matter what. They're little ones, so they will be easy to plant.

(Judi)Portland, OR

"I will get them in the ground tomorrow no matter what."
Pony, your health is more important than plants. I know you love those plants, but take it easy. We can't divide your roots like a clump of lilies to create new Ponys.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

41 deg outside...I don't like it!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

ROFL! Judi, that's a shame- because there's enough here for two of me! Then again, I don't think the world is ready for two of me... *snicker*

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

WOW! I have been way overdue in keeping up with DG. I've certainly enjoyed reading about driving habits and being a current Jerseyite I do not disagree with the way most people drive over here. LOL

Glad to hear you are mending nicely Pony and Sofer.

I totally missed the recipe thing, sorry.

My garden suffered during the HHHOOOTTT and humid, but dry summer. I stopped watering except for the veggies. It has been raining some lately, though sooooo this morning I went to a nursery and got 2 small mugo pines, 2 azaleas, 4 gold thread cypress, an agastache and a sage. I have become overwhelmed by the gardens and was impressed with pixydish's desire to kinda 'downsize' so I am thinking along those lines also. Putting in more shrubby things - less maintenance.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi Jan, Amen to that idea. I'm doing that also.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hi, is your potting shed full to busting at the seams yet?

It is a glorious day today!!!!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree Jan - just waiting for the heavy dew to dry off a bit to get out there and hit it hard. I have a half truckful still of compost to spread and lots of beds to clean up. I love fall.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Apropos of nothing...I learned a lesson yesterday. Lately I have been fretting about wrinkles, loose skin, and grey hair. Yesterday I was taking Koka for a walk and something spooked her and she tripped over the leash and I tripped over her, and down I went, hitting the concrete sidewalk face first, and then with my wrist. I saw stars! Two women were kind enough to scrape me up off the sidewalk and walk me home. My face looked like I was in a fight. I iced it and waited a while, then I could see that my teeth were still intact, my eyes moved in the same direction at the same time, and the facial bones seemed fine. I have a big swollen bruise but that will heal. In my concern about my face (vanity!) I failed to realize that something was going on in my wrist. I have a hairline fracture but that will heal quickly. So - a few wrinkles and sags are nothing compared to what could have happened! I will cease pulling my face this way and that in the mirror, trying to recall the look of youth.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Judi, I think one of our greater challenges in life is to truly be 'comfortable in your own skin' whatever that might be. Wrinkles and sags are inevitable, and I've seen absolutely luminescent older people who seem to shine from within. I always admired my husband's grandmother, whose face seemed to have acquired wrinkles in a permanent little smile - like she had an inner funny secret. Many of us gain weight in our older years, or our existing weight somehow redistributes itself. Gravity WILL have its way, I've found.

About a year ago I started swiveling my head when seeing nice looking gray haired women, until, duh, it dawned on me that it was time to put the bleach box aside and just let my hair be whatever color it might be. That was a bit of a process in itself, but I now am happy with my salt-n-pepper hair which only needs a quick cut every so often. So much less energy, no root worries, and extra money in my pocket. Can't beat that.

I'm hoping to age into an active, tolerant, wise-woman with dirt under her nails - perhaps a bit eccentric. Lots of belly laughs and a good quaff of wine.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have been on the road now non-stop for 3 days. I can't get over 60mph and much of that at 50. I have to stop when the wind starts up. Knave only 6 cyld so kind of slow. I am currently stuck in Billings waiting for evening. Boring!
Portland you need to train your dog or keep getting hurt. Take care.
Amen to above. I couldn't keep up with grey in my beard so quit also.

This message was edited Oct 13, 2010 11:18 AM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

It bothered me when I noticed that my hair was going grayer and grayer. I asked a barber about dyeing it, and fortunately she reminded me that if you dye it, you have to KEEP dying it, or not only will the roots look gray, they will look silly and proclaim "here is a vain and lazy person".

It was a struggle, but I decided that "obviously vain, lazy and silly" were worse than "gray".

However, I do have to say one thing:

I do NOT have bald spot on the back of my head! Not, not, NOT!
Anyone, or any mirror, that claims I do, must be WRONG!


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Corey I haveNEVER seen such a thing on your head!
We Aryans never lose our hair. My uncle is 97 and has a full head of hair. Grey though it is.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I never bothered with dyeing my hair, and it's pretty much salt and pepper now. I figured I've earned it!

And I missed the FB thing too.

Jan, I am thinking of downsizing my garden a bit, too. Problem is how to do it and still have the variety of edibles I like.

By the way, I am writing from a hotel room in Paris where we are being lodged because we missed the connecting flight from Paris to our home port because a strike caused the plane from Toulouse to be over an hour late. At least I have wi-fi for my iPad. It doesn't seem to work in airports even though it shows that you have a connection.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Ouch. Judi, I'm sorry to hear you got banged up, but glad it wasn't worse. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Yes, speedy recovery, Judi.

RE dyeing hair. I do, but only cuz DH wants me to. I have thought about letting it go, but the transition would be SOMETHING else
BTW I don't see a bald spot, Corey.

Safe trip, Sofer. You, too, GHG Dmail me when you get home we do need to get together.

Oh, I don't want to downsize edibles, but the flower gardens. I would like to move toward texture and longevity. I figure we won't be here forever and the new owners might not want so much to maintain.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Sorry you were injured Judi. Hope you heal quickly.
Take care Sofer. That is a long trip.
I'm going to try rhodies and heathers in my biggest bed and see how that goes. Most flowers are coming out.
My greenshed is pretty full now with everything stored in there for the winter. But it is neat and tidy. All my extra pots are washed and stacked.
I am wrapping up 72 years next month and I've been graying since I was in my twentys. Our whole family does that. I dye once in a while and now I am growing out the last dye and going back to gray with maybe some streaking. I like the texture of my limp hair when it is dyed but hate the upkeep. It's not so much vanity, all dyed hair looks like dyed hair, it's more boredom, just wanting to see something diffferent in the mirror.

Thumbnail by Willowwind2
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Good luck with the bruises and hairline fracture, Judi! It sounds painful.

One place I worked, they periodically re-trained us in how to fall more safely. They warned us over and over about wrists and elbows, and "taking a face-dive". I think you had a classic fall.

Their main point was to admit early on that you WERE going down. Don't fight it or you'll make it worse.

Then relax your knees and go with it. Twist a little so your butt hits first. Oddly, it helps if you look down fast and say "that's where my butt is going to be in about 1/2 second".

The worst thing is to fall like an oak tree, and bounce your head (or face) off the concrete.

Sorry for calling dying "vain". MY reason for doing it would have been vanity. I made "denial" work for me instead. Being wise or mature and realistic about it sounds like too much of a challenge. :-)

And thank you everyone who, like me, can't see any bald spot on the back of my head!


Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhh, Portland!! Kerthump! Fortunately you know Koka rarely reacts like that, so my fingers are crossed (since your wrist hurts, I'll do it for you) that it is a one off. Arnica? I love it.

(Judi)Portland, OR

It was very unusual for Koka to react like she did, but I was putting my netflix movies in a mailbox that is adjacent to a group of tables in a sidewalk cafe, and the server dropped a tray of dishes and the clatter was quite loud and about 5 feet away. Poor Koka was spooked. Anyway, the wrist is feeling much better. I have a cast sort of thing that consists of a rigid piece that fits on my arm and is held in place by an ace-bandage, so I can remove it to shower and to wiggle my fingers around. It's a tiny tiny crack and it is not going to get displaced by a bit of movement, and will heal quickly. And the bruise on my face, well, I'm ready for Halloween!

About the grey hair - about 4 years ago I was on the train in San Francisco going to the office and there were a few women around my age, and they all had dyed hair. The hair did not look healthy and the women looked like they were trying too hard. When I got to my office I ran into the ladies' room to see if mine looked the same, and I decided then that I would ease out of the hair-dying cycle and just let it be. It is what it is.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

For those contemplating a change, it took me about a year to 'go gray' in a non-drastic way. My hair dresser first cut my hair as short as I was comfortable with, then put on a temporary stain (not exactly sure what that was) a couple of times that was as close to what the majority of my hair was doing at the time. The stain faded gradually so I never had a severe root line. I went in every 6 weeks for a pretty healthy trim until all the old damaged growth was cut off. I never did an all-over dye, just highlighting foils, but even so it took awhile to get to the point I was dealing with au-naturale hair. Then I started growing it out to shoulder length. I now only get haircuts every couple months, and the money I am saving on foiling, hair products, etc. I am spending on facials and massage.

I especially think women in their 70s and 80s with carrot orange hair look a bit odd. But, whatever.

(Judi)Portland, OR

I was considering blue.......

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, thank you, I was going to suggest blue, but a good strong turquoise and not the "little old lady blue-white"

or perhaps magenta?

I mean, why not just let your head be your art?

(okay don't mind me I am a bit flippy from the packing sorting frenzies)

And Judi, hope you mend soon.... I'd have probably been spooked too, but then, I would not have been on a leash so it would not have probably caused a tumble. :)

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Has anyone over the age of 50 tried to catch a rabbit recently? Well it sure was not as easy as when I was a child. My neighbors pet rabbit got loose and they are not home. With a box in one hand and a carrot and a nice piece of romaine...there I was in an empty field chasing around this black bunny. He was very friendly but tricky. He would come up to my feet, let me pet him and the minute I would try to catch him by the scruff of his neck.....swish off he went. I did finally get him to head back to his house and go into his back yard and I just shut the gate. ( which was open) Getting to old for this stuff!

Judi..hope you mend quickly.Feel better!

Go Gray!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll bet the bunny loved to get out for a nice stretch. My granddaughter has had rabbits for years and they can be wily. She has found it easiest to just leave their cage open and they eventually return to the food bucket.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I started going grey in my twenties too- now I'm almost to the more grey than brown stage. Once I get totally grey I *may* stop coloring my hair, because my grey is the same nice shiny silver that my Mom had. Heck, I used to bleach and tone my hair to get that silver! LOL! But for now, my fire engine red makes me happy. (Though I am very lazy about keeping it up, and my grey roots wind up getting very long between colorings. Dreadlocks are a pain to color!)

(Judi)Portland, OR

Pony I must meet you in person someday...fire engine red hair, tattoos, dreadlocks...so much for the imagination!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Hehe. I'm just a bit of a freak... *whistling* ;p

(Judi)Portland, OR


(Linda)Gig Harbor, WA(Zone 8a)

No dear Pony not a freak! Just distinctive! And we love you for it!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL! But I *like* being a freak! *does the Freaky Freak dance* :D

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

So my question is why Blue hair? Seriously why would anyone change to that color? And why do they do it continually?

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I had blue hair for a couple of years back in the early '80s. I loved it.

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I think any color hair is 'in' these days, if you take a look at the populace. Myself, I have little streaks of gray here and there, but it is enough that when my class was making graphs of various characteristics (how you get to school, how many teeth you've lost, what color is your hair) one child pipes up: "We need another row for hair color." Innocently, I ask, "What color should we add?" The answer is, "Gray, for you."

I was recently trying to catch a bunny, who we were taking care of for a friend. It did much evasive jumping, sideways hops and such. Finally my son put out a trail of pieces of chopped cabbage leading into the house, we held very still while she nibbled her way from one to the next.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Oh, dear, I am feeling soooo smug. Guess who is a natural blonde, and a good enviable colour, has always had glass shiny hair and at the age of hmmummny is still not showing any signs of grey. The one thing we all inherited from my father without having to pay for!

Everything else took years of therapy and buckets of money to sort out.

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