Magnolia seeds

Fort Wayne, IN

I have a magnolia tree that blooms in the spring here in Indiana and I noticed it has seed pods on it and little red seeds about the size of an m&m. Does anyone know if those seeds can be started for a new tree and how do I go about doing it. Thanks for any help.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Yes, they can.

Google for Magnolia seed germination, or post your question on the Propagation forum here and you'll be amazed at the information suddenly available

Of course, it may be useful to have a positive ID of what species of magnolia you have there before you go asking for germination information. Take some pictures of the seed pod, the whole tree, the leaves, buds, branches, trunk, etc. and post them over on the Plant ID forum. Good folks there ought to be able to figure it out pretty quickly for you.

Fort Wayne, IN

Thank You ViburnumValley for the great info...Lovin Daves Garden site because of all the wonderful people who are willing to help and so kind. :)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

You are welcome.

Now, you owe us pics of the babies when they germinate.

Fort Wayne, IN

Oh my...The pressures on. I better get those pictures taken.

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