Can you all be sick with me???

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Okay...I've let my gardens get behind. We had the 40 days of flooding rains, the 40 days of baked, dry earth, and now I have had 2 days of husband and almost committed Mariticide.

My husband decided to get rid of some of the weeds and started out by using a weed wacker (can you see where this is going?) He took out a couple of plants and shaved off quite a few mums ("We have too many.") The last straw was when he ripped out a 6-year-old Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora.) Now, I know it grows on new vines but the thing was LOADED with buds and I was really looking forward to it. He apparently tried to rip out the roots but they held on. I know I need to get over it, but I'm soooooo MAD!

Would it be awful to form a rope made from the dying vines and... I am not above trying to find a bigger one at a nursery that will handle transplant and transplanting it there. Then again, I know it will come back next year. Why are non-gardeners so thoughtless?????? To top it all off, he says how much he enjoys the vine blooming in the autumn. Nice.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

My husband also ripped out a Sweet Autumn about two weeks ago but he actually dug it out. We were talking about it on another thread and someone another DG'ers husband dug out a Virginia creeper.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I am not alone!!! I know it's awful for everyone when that happens but I'm glad it's not just me! Hopefully I'm not the only one who got so mad I cried about it, either! :)

I am so sorry he dug yours out! If I find anything coming up, I will send you one. I may even make a sign for both of us- "THIS IS A PLANT! IT WAS PLANTED HERE INTENTIONALLY! DO NOT TOUCH!" Lol!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How about that screaming yellow CAUTION tape?

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Susie you gave me a big chuckle. I got to the part where you said 'would it be awful to form a rope made from dying vines' -- I thought you were going to say 'and string the big dope up!!' HA!

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Missing... You must be psychic, for that was exactly what I was thinking!!! : )

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