Double Morning Glory

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I have this Double Morning glory, which I have never seen before. Has anyone seen this one and know it's name. It was given to me as seedlings and was told it was a Morning glory.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

It has grown at least a good 20 feet.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Your blooms are very nice

Hige - Akahigezaki
'Red Feathered'
Japanese Morning Glory
Ipomoea purpurea

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Thanks Emma, that was a fast response. I looked it up on one of the MG forum here, and there are some wonderful colors of it.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You are very welcome.

Yes, the HIGE is a great Morning Glory and the different color selections make it even greater.

Mesilla Park, NM

It also goes by the name of Sunrise Serenade at the Big Box Stores, they all carry this one, which is great, in case you don't collect seeds, you know they are readily available at the local lowes, HD's and Walmarts... I love those stores.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Sunrise Serenade is quite different, however, just as beautiful.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh. What is the difference? The marketed Sunrise Serenade gives both the shredded single and doubles. What are the differences you are talking about? I guess I didn't pay that much attention to the ones that are cheap at the box stores or the high priced ones that sell by different names. I'll make note of the differences.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Antoinette -

The photo posted is definitely a Hige – Akahigezaki

There are many differences between ‘Akahigezaki’ and ‘Sunrise Serenade’. I have gotten single blooms on many of my other HIGE *Crosses* until I got them stabilized, but never on the ‘Akahigezaki’ or the ‘Sunrise Serenade’ and I have been growing mine for a number of years and both are very stable cultivars.

My ‘Akahigezaki’ seeds came from Japan from a personal friend and the ‘Sunrise Serenade’ seeds I grow came from a professional grower in Guatemala. When these two blooms are placed side-by-side, there are obvious visual differences. I have never grown any SS from the seed packages that you can easily purchase since they do not impress me as the cultivars that I grow.

There are differences in the shape of the petals, the degree of multiple petals with and without ribs as well as rayed coloration and the degree of Whiteness in the throat, but I am not well versed in the technical explanations, even though I can see the visual differences.

Also, there are numerous discussions in posts over the years throughout the many Threads on the MG Forum explaining this is detail, but I don’t have time to search for those posts. Plus, there is no way I can re-write what Ron has already expounded upon to educate us in the differences and showing folks exactly what to look for in these differences.

Hope this helps

Mesilla Park, NM

Actually, no it doesn't help at all, I got several from you one year that were labeled Gloria de la manana that were from a grocery store, and some others that were from Big Box stores, that is why I said that.. The fact that you did not get the single and double feathered out of these plants, since you did not grow them, you would know that they are the same. I've grown 5 varieties of this strain and they do all look alike, unless you are a scientist looking for different DNA in them, but other than that, you are wasting your money if you buy the ones where you have to pay shipping on top of it all. It is just a commercial tactic as far as I am concerned when they are "supposedly" from another country, or "from a certain person", they are readily available seeds that are made out to be something "Special".

It would be nice if we could leave the hype out of the seeds.

Thanks for your insight though.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Some detailed information is only shared among private groups . . .
And as has always been the case only the most devoted Asagao enthusiasts will appreciate the finer details
Simply looking at photos without the requisite understanding will yield no insight.
The following link will have information that was known at that time regarding your Morning Glory, and we have learned even more since Ron’s post, and basically, as has always been the case, only the MG enthusiasts are aware of the latest

Here is where Ron explains the differences
The interested reader can determine for themselves if the petal differences are something which can only be seen by a geneticist, or not.

Thanks to Ron, some of us have been gradually selecting for more typey strains after learning what details to look for
Also note

Mesilla Park, NM

April 11, 2007
09:02 PM

Post #3380880

Quote from Gourd :
Bumping this up.. good information here.

Sorry it doesn’t help, and that you do not understand.
You asked me, and my answer was very precise
I have never grown seeds from a Grocery Store and have no clue what Big Box Store is.
The seeds in question, in fact, came from the places I mentioned.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2010 9:45 PM

Mesilla Park, NM

No, maybe you didn't grow them, but you sent them to me in a trade. I have the package here. It was mentioned because you said you have never grown seeds from packages easily gotten, but, you buy them to trade.

I'm not interrupting this thread. I just happened to go in another direction. I'm sorry if you don't remember sending them.

I still have all the generic seeds you sent me, some grew out as pink rambler that were supposed to be pandurata, but that is okay... as you said, you don't know everything.

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