My new Iris bed.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Actually what I'm doing is connecting 2 smaller beds that have all kinds of stuff growing in them, including Iris and Daylilies. Making it about 2 or 3 times bigger. I'm going to plant all the Iris around the outside. The Schreiners order and the beautiful Iris I got from Sharon. Next spring ought to be GLORIOUS!!!

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Wow, you did a fantastic job. And it look absolutly huge so lots of room for those new plants. I know it will look even more super after its all planted.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Thanks Rita, I can't take the credit though. I had to give up the roto-tiller after about 1/4 of it was done and call my son. If I would have done all that I sure wouldn't have any energy left to plant anything. I'm moving all my established Iris into this bed also. They really get more water than they need where they're at and had started to rot. I had them planted next to daylilies that get frequent watering. They'll be happier here.

Planted about 50/60 yesterday ... hope to do the same tomorrow. Need to get it all finished ASAP. I'll try to take pictures as it progresses.


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, do show us pictures when its all planted. Then of course we will want to see it all in bloom next year :-))

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Yes! Show us pictures as it progresses!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Definitely pictures as it progresses. That's going to be some awesome bed!!!!!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Not much progress. I haven't been able to work on it too much this past week, but I have gotten about 100 fans planted.

There will be a walkway between the original bed and the new planting area. Most of it will be TB, but on the end facing the deck (this end) I have planted them staggered according to height. TB in the back. BB, IB and shorter TB in the second row, and SDB in the third row. Then a row of Sun Doll 7 inch SDB up by the rocks. The rest of it will be just barely wide enough for 2 rows of TB.

The great thing about gardening is, if you don't like the way it looks just dig it up and move it around. I am sooooo looking forward to Spring. I hope there is a good percentage of first year blooms. We'll see.


Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
South Hamilton, MA

Sun doll is a lovely small iris.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That is going to look fabulous come spring Roxanne! Can't wait to see pictures in bloom!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Looking good!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I think I've spent more time trying to decide what to plant next to what than I have actually planting.

I've never been able to plan a bed before. Always just plunked stuff down wherever there was a space.

Newfield, NY

its looking really great

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

That looks great! I wish I had that much room! I'll have to keep over a dozen in pots, maybe over winter untill I find room.

Spicer, MN

...And I helped! :o) I was lucky to have had you in the Iris Swap, Roxanne. All of your Iris are doing so well!

Hopefully, I will see your garden blooms next Spring. One can throw in some driftwood or Angels or gnomes or more rocks...whatever you enjoy. I have some of the solar colorful blinking lights that are also fun.


Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Well, this much room (4 acres) is a blessing and a curse. I'm hoping when DH retires next spring the work load will lighten. In the summertime it's a full time job just keeping the grass cut. LOL I think I mentioned in one of the threads this spring that he is a merchant marine and is gone 3 weeks at a time. Right now he is in Texas working on digging a ship channel.

Thank you soooo much for all the beautiful Iris Sharon. That's what got me inspired to expand and combine these 2 beds. Sharon sent me 18 different Iris and multiples of most for a total of 32 fans. So generous!

I also got 29 double fans from Schreiners. Plus I'm digging and replanting all of my existing Iris, about 33 different ones in all. Boy, I get tired just thinking about it. I need to get out there this morning and start digging. LOL

They all have to be planted by the 24th 'cause I'm going in for surgery. Nothing serious... outpatient abdominal hernia repair. I thought I was Wonder Woman and lifted something I shouldn't have. I won't be able to bend down or lift anything for at least a month afterward. I've been putting it off for about 6 months till the growing season was over. Now I wish it was scheduled for October.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Just took this picture this morning. It poured down rain all day yesterday and last night, but the Iris are looking good. If I can just get ahead of the weeds. Of course I do the front of the bed first, in the back the weeds are higher than the Iris.

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North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

But it is going to look so lovely when those iris and then daylilies bloom.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I love that bed. The layout is great and it should be beautiful in bloom.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I can't wait! Every Iris in this bed were planted last Sept. All are doing well, some better than others.

My dog gave me a present ... a vole ... layed it in the front yard ... she was so proud. The new bed is crisscrossed with tunnels maybe it's the only one.

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

It looks like a mouse in the picture, but it's body alone was about 8 inches.

St Joseph, IL(Zone 5b)

Nice garden ocd_girl. This will look so pretty. Hope your surgery goes well and you get to take it easy afterwards, for a while. :)

Concord, NC(Zone 7a)

your garden is looking would have taken me like 20 years or more to fill such a huge beautiful track of land like that..i have a buddy who lives in troy in montgomery co. not real far from you and him and me have spent the last decade collecting arrowheads near you in the uwharries..when you cleared this area of your property did you use a tiller or do it by hand..and did you find any arrowheads or artifacts? mike :-)

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Yes, we used a rototiller ... and my son's muscle! LOL

As for arrowheads, we found a couple. We actually have had people come and ask if they can look for arrowheads here.
No artifacts unless you count old glass bottles from the 20's and 30's. Found a shelf full of them.

Spicer, MN

I love seeing your garden. It will be so beautiful in about 6 to 8 weeks. I also like knowing I 'helped'!

As you know, I live in NE for 6 months & MN the other half. It is so hard to wait until the end of April to return. MN has also been having freezing temps the last week so I have no idea what I will find. I'm just happy for you! Please keep the pictures coming.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Ooooh! Sharon! How do you do it? Waiting all winter, not knowing what's going on in your garden. I'd go crazy!!!

All the beautiful Iris you shared with me in the swap are doing great. Of all the Iris I planted last fall, I only lost 1 SDB from Schreiners. Everything else is adapting to my pure sand very well. : )

SDB - "Live Coals"

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Spicer, MN

I AM!!! Thank you for recognizing my sorrow! LOL

It will be alright for I have the best of both 'worlds'! It's probably good for me...Nahhh!
I can't wait! Sharon

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