Is this a Wabash?

Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

I know it is hard to ID from pictures but I bought a house last fall and these beautiful guys came up this spring. I know next to nothing about irises. The clump was massive and I had to divide it after it stopped blooming because the middle was rotting. I got 30+ clumps and all the ones I kept and planted in different places are doing well. So now I think I caught the iris bug along with the daylily bug. I was told there are some Wabash lookalikes. What are they called so I can compare? Thanks!

Thumbnail by kellydz
Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

Here is another picture a bit closer up.

Thumbnail by kellydz
Boise, ID(Zone 5b)

Sure looks like Wabash to me.

Have you compared it to the pictures here on Daves?

Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

I compared and they look pretty identical. I was excited because I love older varieties of all flowers. Thanks for looking.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

According to HIPS, if it has pbf (purple base foliage) it is probably 'Wabash'. If not, it is probably 'Bright Hour' which is sometimes passed around as 'Wabash'.

Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

Now if I only knew what purple base foliage was???? :-) I assume the leaves will have a purple tinge at the base??

I guess I will take a look at them tomorrow. Wish I knew how much purple to look for.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2010 8:48 PM

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

This is somewhat darker than average. The color can vary with season, temp, sunlight or a host of other things. It will be obvious though when you see it.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Elba, NY(Zone 6a)

Purple based foliage means that at the base of the leaves there is a purple or reddish tint (or streaks) to the leaves. Mine looks most purple when the leaves are youngest.

Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much for the picture. I don't remember them having that coloring when I divided it but it was a while ago. I am going to take a look at mine tomorrow to see if I have any hint of purple. Thanks again!

Elba, NY(Zone 6a)

Guess we were answering at the same time! A picture does explain it much better!

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Whether it is 'Wabash' or not, it is still a beautiful historic. I think 'Bright Hour' is from around 1952 or so which fits it into the historic class. If it were not too late in the season, I would beg some from you.

Galesburg, MI(Zone 6a)

So I took some pictures today and I think it is a Wabash. The purple is very faint and not much of it but it is definitely there. What do you think?

Thumbnail by kellydz
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Not an expert but I would call it 'Wabash'. Looks as though some of the leaves have been removed due to browning or falling. I do that with all the leaves which will come off easily. As db27 said, check it in the spring when all the leaves are fresh. Pbf does not in itself mean historic but simply a final mark to identify very similar colors. My first notice of pbf was 'Pass the Wine' which is definitely not a historic.

South Hamilton, MA

plb is not confined to historics, just a trait which could help in ID. I have 2 similarly colored MTB seedlings, one plb, one not. Helps ID when they are not in bloom.

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