barmera, Australia

Oh, look at all Sammut's mosaic work standing out. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Here we are in Barmera. That is Lake Bonney you can see as we come in and if you look further to the West you may be able to see the River Murray. See all the grape vines. I'll just drop you all off here and go to collect Jean. Is hubby going to come for a trip Jean? Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Okay are you ready. Sorry hubby didn't want to come with us but really there will be no room for him with all those cacti that Brian and I have for you to take back. I hope the boys are ready to greet everyone like little gentlmen. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Here they are. Welcome everyone. Take a seat under the Norfolk Island Pine and I'll get the afternoon tea going.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Here's something to start you off. Colleen

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Sunshine Coast, Australia

Wow Colleen...you have been busy.
How long am I staying?
Can I take those two adoreable boys home with me?

I went to the Buderim Garden Club Garden Show today. They also have six Buderim gardens to view. Cost is $10.00 and that includes viewing the six gardens and admiission to the hall for the competition section.
Beautiful day here today so it was very enjoyable.
I purchased a big plant (Yellow Clivea) and three Broms.

barmera, Australia

Marleneann everyone can stay as long as you like. Hope we don't run out of food. I'm going to put up a few pics of my garden for you all to see now. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Another of the shadehouse so that you can see how that's grown. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

This end of the SH. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

Some cacti. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

A shot looking in under the pine tree where everyone will be sitting. I hope there's enough room. Colleen

This message was edited Sep 11, 2010 5:50 PM

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

and last one from me. I hope you all enjoy your visit and let me know if there's anything else that you'd like to see. Colleen

This message was edited Sep 11, 2010 5:54 PM

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barmera, Australia

Have a very nice White Wine to Share with those who like a white.
Vermentino Grown throughout Italy and used to produce robust table wines that exhibit white peach, spice, citrus characters with good palate structure. Hope you enjoy it on your carpet ride.

barmera, Australia

This is in the main street of Barmera. Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a good sleep after your whirlwind trip yesterday. Now I will see if I can find some points of interest around the town and surrounding area. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Wow, Colleen, would love to poke around all your plants and see what you've got. And sit in the courtyard drinking tea. Maybe if we all turn up, it could be BYO chair? Thank you for showing us your wonderful gardens.

Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. Colleen, I'm so glad you came for me. I thought you may have forgotten me after picking up all the others. I see that you really haven't got a lot of spaces for more plants, so I will have to take all those broms from Leisa.
I have lots of room still.
What a ride. I love looking down on the countryside. It is very good to see lots of green even if there are some floods. .
Colleen, your garden is really pretty. I think I see a cacti or two that could go home with me. I never thought, but I could have brought your bits along too. Never mind its getting a bit drier here so wont be long before I can get things sent.
Dianne, how many bags did you bring ? You can borrow my gloves when Colleen isnt looking. There are a few very prickly cacti there. I wonder where she put that Saguero from our trip to Louise's place. Colleen, did you go over and get Louise ? I forgot to warn her the carpet may arrive there. I haven't seen any sign of her yet.
Anthony, where are you. Ah, I see you down near the shadehouse. Admiring those few bulbs.
Elaine, did you bring some mosaics to show us ? I really must get a start on some. Everything is damp and one doesn't feel like getting a project going just yet.
Brian, thanks for putting out the wine, I'm sure a few of the ladies are well into tasting it already. I have my green tea and I must get some of that yummy looking cake Colleen put out. I see Mya and Marlene out the back .I wonder where Sue is. I bet she is in the brom house. I'd better go and find her. Judy , great you could come too. Colleen, where are we going after lunch ? I haven't seen your brugs yet either. I must go look around . Haven't seen Kat . Did she come on the carpet ? I hope our new friends were able to fit on as Colleen flew around.
The boys showed me the pond but no frogs yet.
. I'm going to see whats around the other side of the house.
I hope Colleen doesn't look into my bags. I've already got a few bits.
Enjoy the day I bought some cake with me so I'll just leave it out on the table. Baked Passionfruit Cheesecake.
Anyone popping into the Tea Room will just have to make do with a sandwich from the kitchen.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Jean anyone can have pieces of whatever plant that they would like so I would say that most of the afternoon will be taken with you all getting the pieces that you want. Boy, I think I may have to get a carpet-trailer to take you all home. I think that Kat was busy trying to sort out fenceman and the turkeys but if she's got them under controll maybe I can go and pick her up and then take her for a ride to Louise's to get her. Will wait to hear from them both. Colleen

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good morning I was up with the birds hope you dont mind me setting up in the shade house but needed a early start did not want to be in the way I saw a beautiful swan as we passed over the lake .----------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

off to 'glenbrook farm' today with cocky.we organise a big lily seed handout for bait,trying to trap unwary growers with the 'lilium bug'.ooh ,reminds me,i better go pack up some green goddesses,and a 'shykowski'daff i promised.,catch up later,anthony

Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen...that was a lovely sightseeing tour and to finish the trip with 2 little gentlemen to guide us to our seats...Brian..bring the Vermentino over here please...that will go down very nicely with Jean's cheesecake.....
Beautiful swan Elaine...looks like WA's national emblem...
Colleen how can you manage such a neat garden and 2 lively boys...well done you.
Jean, I can't get anything prickly...those Epis of yours give me a nip when I least expect it.....Colleen has lots of other goodies that don't bite.
Where are the chooks and the roosters?
and the FROG.
Anthony..I saw you go back with Brian to "Glenbrook"...hope he met Rod and you had a successful day.
I am sure that Colleen will save you both some dinner....probably one of the chooks..lol
Well, here I go with my glass in one hand and the cheesecake in the other....your garden is so interesting Colleen.

barmera, Australia

I thought I would take you all for a short walk in the front garden this afternoon. There's lots of weeds but the daisy and the rosemary are looking nice and there's 7 spears coming on my small Echium. Anyway have a look around then I'll take you up the back to see all the chooks. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

another one. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

the Echium. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

Now up the back. Colleen

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Brisbane, Australia

Have I missed the ride? I'm baaaacckk! We went up to Caloundra yesterday as hubby wanted to sail and youngest son had uni exams so couldn't come. We took the chooks anyway as there is grass and freedom up there but we decided to stay the night and have just come back. Beautiful weather and the sea was so green and clear. Shame I forgot to take my camera! Not a turkey (or bothersome person) in sight! I planted some geraniums from the markets last time I was there and they have budded up!. There must have been some rain up there as things had grown really well. Shame about those round flat weeds in the grass :(. I dig as many out by hand as we don't use sprays because of the chooks.
I had a sneak preview of what you are all experiencing down at Colleen's and I am sure I can see an empty chair waiting for me under that lovely tree with you all sitting around drinking Brian's wine. I am so glad you are coming back with the carpet, Colleen, but it is very hard to land here so I hope you haven't had much wine or we will all be in the river. See you all soon! :)

Brisbane, Australia

Kat, great to see you back. I had another friend go to Caloundra for a wedding and minded their dog while they were away.

Colleen, your garden is delightful, and the hens are wonderful. I might pinch an egg or two.

barmera, Australia

Kat I'm on my way. I'll just drop a ladder over the side of the carpet and you can climb up it. That way I won't have to land. There's no worries about me having too much of Brian's wine. I think the whole lot smells like plonk so I never touch it. It's night time so I won't be able to take a pic from the carpet coming in but I'll do a couple of circles around your house to let you know I'm there. I do hope fenceman hasn't got a gun. He might put holes in the carpet. Be there soon. Colleen ps Dawnsong I'll send some eggs back with Kat for you.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2010 10:24 PM

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. What a lovely day we had yesterday. I could really get to like this warmer area. It is raining at home. Colleen, I have all my bags full so may have to add that trailer carpet as I'm sure everyone else has lots of bits.
We were lucky that Brian went off with Anthony to sample the wines. Left us all the cake. I like your echium. Mine are getting covered on flower spikes now. I let the outside one grow as it likes, but cut the other back so I can get around it to the shadehouse. I have so many self seeded babies from it . I just hate to pull them all out but can't leave them growing. I have already planted out lots so the rest will have to go. Elaine , that mosaic is lovely.
Dianne, I usually wear gloves when handling anything prickly but I have been caught by the epis at times when I was just reaching around to remove a small weed or take a photo. I hope noone sits on my bags going back on the carpet or they may get a nasty surprise. Colleen, some of those cactus thorns are huge.
Kat, lucky you were able to make it. You probably won't get any wine, the fellas have nicked off with it. Lovely here, no turkeys.
I have had a lovely time here as I'm sure everyone else has too. The garden is a picture. I love all the little animals around . . I had better make a call to the elves to make sure something is put out for any visitors to the Tea Room. They popped in to remind me it's nearly Christmas, as if I needed the reminder. Have you all seen the Christmas stuff in the shops already. They may as well just leave it there year round as it seems to be put out earlier each year.
I am going back out to sit under that lovely tree with my morning cuppa.
I want to watch Elaine with her mosaics for a while. We should have a last tour around the area before leaving . Colleen, what can you show us ?
Enjoy the day. The elves have put out some Honey GingerBread back in the Tea Room.

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barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I'm so glad that you are all enjoying your visit here. I thought that we might go about 5kms down the road and visit the Steam Museum at Cobdogla. We can have a ride on the steam train that all the steam friends have rebuilt and keep maintained. It is housed at the old water station where they used to pump all the water from to surrounding districts. Brian actually used to work here. He will be able to tell you more about that. Is eveyone ready? Off we go. Colleen

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barmera, Australia

Then maybe we can go to the Overland corner Hotel for lunch. That's where the stagecoaches used to stop. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Then maybe if we have any energy left we could go to the Monash Playground. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Then we'll come back to Barmera to Rocky's Hall of Fame. Every year in June we have a country music turnout like Tamworth, where the singers all compete. It goes for the whole week before the long weekend in June then on the weekend they have the judging. Rocky Page was the bloke who started it here. Our old firestation has been turned into a museum of country music and named after him. It's open every day by volunteers. Colleen

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Wow what a trip!

We have a lovely Winery over the hill here,
Mini Railway
A Showground where we have old fashioned shows, you know prizes for flowers and vegs etc, bake offs, jams and rodeos and wonderful "Country Fair" type fun.

We have a famous very old haunted Church ...it really does feel very strange.

A lovely Winery just over the Hill

Then the mini models around the corner

Ok there are quite a lot of interesting things around my area

Isn't exploring fun?

It's going to rain here today, Jean I have some of your wallflower seeds about to bloom ^_^ as well as lots of sunny faced nasturtiums and poppies from Merino.
My cream Clivia has popped a few buds finally, I can hardly wait.
The pink jasmine triffid is busy trying to gobble the garden up as usual grrr!
Lots of green starting up ...I am impatient for more action here in my garden it's sooo slow here this year, maybe it's sulking because I went away and left it for so long.
I have been out emptying bags of manure everywhere and looking for bugs and grubs, the grasshoppers are already here.

Loved our adventure everyone ...loved all the pictures, places and the great company!
off to the shower now phew!!!!! I smell like a cow paddock!

Merino, Australia

Colleen, I need a cuppa after all that sight seeing. I did like the ride on the train. I love steam trains.
I see that a few are not here. Hhmmmmm, still having a long lunch at the pub I bet.
Chrissy, so many places to see. The carpet will have to make a trip later in the year to your lovely garden.
I must go and sit down with my cuppa.
I think I'll go sit and look at the brugmansias . Mine are looking like there may be life there yet. I expect new shoots later when the weather decides to stay warm.

barmera, Australia

I think everyone is tired out. A nice afternoon tea and I'll take everyone home. Okay? Thanks for coming. It's been a pleasure to show you all a bit of my world. Colleen

barmera, Australia

Afternoon tea is served. Colleen

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely day Colleen and a cuppa to finish it off...
What a pity we couldn't go to the Country music festival....next time.
I loved having lunch in the pub.
You and Brian have a lovely historic town.....
You must be very happy there.
Thank you.

Great pics Chrissy, as Jean said, another trip to look forward to.

barmera, Australia

Just a little bit about the Overland Corner Hotel, It was built in 1859 of fossilised limestone 1.5m. thick as a resting place for drovers, coaches and paddlesteamers. The hotel is only 70m. from the river Murray. There are limestone cliffs that are full of fossils of sea creatures. Sharks teeth, shells etc. Yes it was once an inland sea here. There's a lovely camping spot down there but the only trouble is you have to take your own wood these days. Any wood that is laying around is not allowed to be touched. If you google it you will find out more. Colleen

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western sydney nsw, Australia

The only way you could make me leave the trains was needing a nice afternoon tea.
Thank you Colleen I was a great week end ------------elaine.

western sydney nsw, Australia

After arriving home I started to move things around in the garden again this is the start of my new summer look by the time summer arrives hope to have it all finished .--------elaine

Thumbnail by sammut

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