Pruning trees canopy

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

I suggested that to get any sort of floral color to thrive in the front yard under 2 trees we would have to prune the trees canopy well. Thing is I think it should be done with leaves on because you can see how the branch with leaves in full affects the shading and shape of the tree.

DH offered to prune it in the fall, free of leaves, citing that the branches won't be near as heavy and it would be easier.

Can't argue his hopeful reasoning but....

The consensus on this please?

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Some things should be pruned in different seasons --should you take that into consideration ---the kind of tree it is?

I'd prune with the leaves off tho - better to see the overall skeleton and manage the cuts.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

thank-you! and husband thanks you to ;)

It's just your typical shade tree, nothing flowering or fruiting: Sweetgum for reference.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Sweetgum!!!!!! My one rule when we looked at property NO Sweetgum!!! Pretty in the fall however.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I agree with initial pruning in dormant season. You can do just as missingrosie states - better management and control.

Do additional lighter "touch up" pruning next growing season, if necessary. This tree is going to respond with new growth patterns just to confound you.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I like to prune when there are no leaves, it is easier to see the tree, and handle the trimmings.
Most trees do better when pruned dormant anyway.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

OT, haha@missingrosie! I agree. But in the Houston area there are a few trees you see patterned down the street just repeat repeat repeat: Sweetgum, huge pines, oaks, magnolia, crepes. I am sure there are others but this is what I saw most. For me, Sweetgum was the lesser of evils.

They drop pokey balls, I can easily pick up, even my girls like to ! I went on below to list all the reasons I opted out of the curse of those other trees (crepes excluded, I do love those but they are overused to), but thought better of it, not wanting to alienate anyone who enjoys such species. But I most definately looked for a house with NO TREES in the backyard (think big time flower / veg gardening) and I got that bit (hard to do on a used house) and was left with the 2 in front. Still...the lesser of evils for me.

Believe me I am counting the days til they look so rugged I can call for tree removal :D

THANK YOU to all who offered your insight. I think husband will be happy and I'll be happy that he's willing to do the job!

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