Which hardy hibiscus set true seed?

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

I've been pondering this question after buying some "Turn Of the Century" seed on Ebay earlier this week. Ebay is a great source of confusion, as unreputable vendors sell seeds for all kinds of hibiscus that will never grow true to parent...

I know that Star of Texas Red and White Hibiscus seeds come true...and supposedly the Lunas. What about the Turn of the Century I just bought? I know alot of the hybrids don't....Can you think of any other hardies that both set seed AND are true to seed?

This message was edited Aug 30, 2010 8:50 AM

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

**crickets**, lol! I just knew one of the seed experts could help me

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Darlin I've tried to grow Turn of the Century from seeds for at least three years this may be the forth year kind of lost track! Have four five inch pots out there now trying to find one out of my seeds the prettiest one is a deep pink with a dark red center so far, another one was almost like luna blush two more to go...I really never realized they were so hard to get to come true from seeds when I started this! I'd have more growing but when I get seeds to them I've never sent more than five seeds :) Good luck! I seem to need more seeds now I'd just trade on here and not wast my money on ebay :)

The pink hardy hibiscus seems to come true for me and have had a lot of reseeders from that one also I can get seeds to that one if you want some I used to have a link to it but lost it but surely it's hardy where you are. It's a solid med. pink one of my favorites but the links when I google it has a red center mine doesn't. I know it's in the plantfiles somewhere but I've lost it lol

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

it is here ==> http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/37924/

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ha! Lazlo! Thanks for the link but I have that one, the one I can't find is the Hardy Pink Hibiscus it doesn't have a dark red center it's solid pink find that one for me :) It used to be in the plantfiles and I had it but my computer crashed a few years back and haven't been able to find it since :( I even went back in old emails to see if I could find a link because I've sent seeds out to that one like you do with no luck.

Here is a thread I did back in o7' offering the solid pink seeds the link I attached had a solid pink hibiscus in there with no red eye back then now it's gone lol


I'm pretty sure it's just a Hardy Pink Swamp Mallow Hibiscus moscheutos.

Here is the link to the Hardy Pink Swamp Mallow but there is no solid pink one there anymore if I do a search for it something like 600 hibiscus come up and not one solid pink that I can find it's there some where!:


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Shazzbat !

Thumbnail by LazLo
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

U R such a trip LOL

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Was it a light pink or dark pink?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, it was definitely a light pink Shazzbat.

Thumbnail by LazLo
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Mine are a med-light pink with no red eye in the center all pink. I wish I could take a picture of it! It's my favorite hibiscus even compared to the luna red and luna blush and texas stars. I had a pink one come up out back that reseeded that has the red center this is the first year for that one I had a solid pink one out there and one of the white ones with the red eye so figure the pink crossed with the white one and that one reseeded.

One of my seedlings and the bloom was kind of like luna blush but had the red center I'm wondering if that one is going to turn into the Turn of the Century don't guess I'll find out until next year after I plant it it's still in a five inch pot I'm hoping for another bloom before I transplant it in the ground it's getting kind of late here to plant it in the ground and expect another bloom.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL, LazLo.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Is this it? This is Shanghai Pink.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2010 9:17 PM

Thumbnail by WormsLovSharon
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I looked that one up and it gets about 9-10 ft. tall this one only gets about 4-5 ft tall and the middle has that hibiscus fuzzy thing with one of the stamens sticking out at the top of it kind of like that one but it has one stamen, if that's what it is, sticking out of the top of it and the very center of the flower is a very light pink almost white, the sexual parts are white too. The flowers get about five inches around.

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