Down right chilly today

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

The humidity dropped a little and it's a few degrees cooler making a big difference in the sweat factor. Mowed my back lawn and I was actually dry when I was done. I don't know what the weather has been like up state but the Low Country has been nonstop humidity and heat for something like 2 months now, no break what so ever. Bad part of all this is i haven't weeded anything for , oh about 2 months, looks like a busy weekend coming up for yard work.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

great! then ur all ready to come mow ours! It sure was nice to open the sliding glass doors this morning and feel the cool!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Indeed it is!

Sumter, SC

A breath of fresh air and a reminder that summer doesn't last forever, even in SC . Thank ya, Jesus!

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

donna- wasn't this morning grand! made me want to turn over a new bed for some fall planting!

Sumter, SC

I second that emotion, rednyr. I'm going to be digging up many of my flower beds this fall, and installing deep plastic containers with their bottoms cut out . I've given this matter a lot of thought, and I think it's the most economic way to protect against ground voles(since they're not supposed to burrow down more than 10 - 12" and I already have lots of containers.) I also may line the exposed bottoms with crushed gravel, if I can afford it. Wish I'd done this 5 years ago when I was filling my yard with tasty perennials. I must admit that the idea of doing all this work is stressful and intimidating, but not as stressful as losing yet more plantings to voles. I'll also be clearing all of their potential hiding places - Have mercy! Hope we can get together when the heat goes away and things calm down. I'm sure there's lots I can learn from you.

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

it would be great to chat over coffee sometime...I've been seeing Dr. Harkey for a pinched nerve and have not done anything but water the yard for 3 weeks now...I can't stand it! I'm bored outta my mind LOL...driving the kids to manning for school seems to be the highlight of my day...hopefully the numbness in my right hand will go away soon...I have a pond to finish oh and I went to Eden's two weeks ago, not thinking my pinched nerve would last this long - I have several things I picked up there that would very much like a permanant home :)

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