Lingonberry seeds - Last trade

Greensburg, PA

I've sort of made it a personal tradition to offer lingonberry seeds for postage each year. I think that lingonberries are a great small fruit that should be in every garden. This year, my membership is up on September 8 and I cannot afford to renew it. So, I'm offering for the last time lingonberry seeds for postage. I only have 4 offers this year, so will take them, first come, first served. Post your interest here in this thread. I will send my mailing address via d-mail, as well as a permanent e-mail address. I will expect to receive an e-mail address from you in case the process lasts longer than two weeks (in a private d-mail from you). If I do not get your stamps promptly, I will e-mail you that I am taking the next person on the list after the first 4 so if you dally too long, you will lose your turn. I say this not to be mean, but so that we are all on the same page with what to expect.

I am asking you to send me 5 Forever Stamps via mail. I will send you lingonberry seeds via a new bubble envelope. It would be nice if you send me a mailing label with your address when you send the stamps. The number of stamps has increased by 1 since last year due to an increase in postal rates and to cover the envelope.

Last year I swore I would not do this again, because of people who did not follow the simple instructions or had other problems so read the following carefully:

1) If you short me on stamps, I will send your stamps back to you, minus the postage required to do that.
2) If you do not send Forever Stamps, same thing as number 1)
3) If you forget to send your mailing address, you will not get the seeds nor your postage returned.
4) If I can't read your mailing address, same as 3)
5) If you do not send your DG handle so that I can confirm you are on the list, same as 1) if I can read your return address, otherwise same as 3)

I hope this does not sound harsh as it is really just practical information about how problems will be handled. I want both of us to have a good experience here.

Seeds will need to be water fermented for about 2 weeks, then planted on the surface of a moist mixture of peat/fine sand 50/50. Expose them to light. Germination begins about 2 weeks after planting and continues for about 6 weeks. A humidity dome of some sort is required, since if the seed dries out, it will need to be stratified and percent germination will decline. Seeds ae very small. Germinated seeds/young plants are very fragile, so plan on using a container that will hold them, in high humidity, for several months. You will need to grow them indoors at least until next spring. Using this method, I started about 100 lingonberry plants several years ago and am still growing some of them in my lingonberry patch.

Thanks to all of the nice people here at Dave's and many wonderful trades over the years. I'll be back when I can, but these are tough times for some of us. If you'd like to stay in touch but are not interested in the trade, please d-mail me privately and include your personal email address.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi, I'm interested in your lingonberry seeds. I've never heard of these but just read up on them and it sounds like something I need to grow. I love anything I can make jam out of. I will put your 5 forever stamps and a return address label out in the mail tomorrow.

I too am running out of subscription and am looking at not renewing.
I will d mail you also.


Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

I would love to try these. Like Marti, I've heard the jam is wonderful, and would love to have some of these in my yard.

Thank you,

Greensburg, PA

Marti and Mom2, You have d-mail (or shortly will :p )

A few of nice things about lingonberries: They fruit two times a year, the fruit stays on the plant a long time, they taste a lot better than cranberries and.... wait for it... they are easy!

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

Easy is good. It sounds as if the germination of these will be very compatible with my bay laurel cuttings I'm going to try to root---same soil and humidity requirements. Do you use heat when germinating?

Greensburg, PA

I just did room temperature.

Denham Springs, LA

If you stll have some I would love to have some. Send me a dmal to confirm and I will stamps in the mail.

Greensburg, PA

A very kind person renewed my membership, so I will be around for a while longer. I have made commitments for all of the lingonberry seed available at this time, so am closing the thread.

Thanks to all.

Greensburg, PA

I am reopening this thread as I now have more lingonberry seed available. I have enough to make two more offers.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi, I'm late getting my envie in the mail to you but it will go out in the mail today. Sorry.

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Do you still have them, I'd be interested? thanks Annette

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

If you could find just a few more seeds, I would be most gratefull.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I finally got my envie out in the mail, hopefully you still have seeds for me. If not, oh well!

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Still waiting for the seeds, sent you the stamps mid Sept.

Greensburg, PA

Sent you d-mail about it.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Received my berries today. Thank you so much!!! I will follow your directions for germinating. Will let you know how I do.


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