Light Blue Morning Glory (wild)

McMinnville, TN

This light blue morning glory is also growing on a fence at my daddy's house; it is a little smaller in size than the other morning glories. It looks like its bashful since the blooms wants to hide behind its leaves-I plan on saving the seeds when they are ready. I don't know what its name is either.

Thumbnail by BoopsieTN
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Ipomoea hederacea is what your small Blue is.

Your others that you have posted are not 'wild', but simply Ipomoea purpureas that re-seed each year. All are very pretty

McMinnville, TN

Thanks EmmaGrace, I don't know much about morning glories but I am ready to learn. In the spring my brother used alot of roundup to kill all the morning glories that were growing in the spot where he plants his garden, he also sprayed this fence where these are growing. I got over at daddy's house early after a dr. appt. this morning so I could get these pictures. I just love anything that has a bloom!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You should be sure to get seeds from your dad's plants so you can enjoy these beauties at your house.

Your Pink I. purpurea is really pretty

McMinnville, TN

Yes, I plan of saving all the seeds I can get-I gather 4 o'clock seeds everyday. I'm starting to get the Impatien seeds and plan on keeping the colors I have seperated this year. Thanks so much.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love those little blue ones. I grow those too. They do really well on a little trellis or over a large rock. Lucky YOU!

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