CLOSED: Wanted - Hardy Hibiscus seeds for trade

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

I have lots of seeds of both the:

White Star of Texas Hibiscus
Red Star of Texas Hibiscus

and a beautiful hardy and prolific bloomer that was given to me by the name, "Mary Poppins"

I am interested in Blue River II Hibiscus seeds, Turn of the Century Hibiscus, White Luna Hibiscus, or a Hardy Hibiscus with a true plum color, such as Plum Crazy (not certain if it sets seeds)

If anyone would like to trade please let me know.

Thumbnail by darkmoondreamer
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

your Texas star Looks like my BLUE RIVER
Here are my Hibiscus .
they have just come into blooms .

Hope to have seeds later this fall I also have another Hibiscus that isn't open quite yet but maybe tomorrow.

This message was edited Aug 26, 2010 5:18 PM

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

deejay the photo is of a blue river

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Mary Poppins is a tropical hibiscus and doesn't match the link you posted. The one in the picture you posted looks more like Southern Belle dinnerplate hardy hibiscus.

This site shows Mary Poppins:

Here are pics of Tx Star:

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Good Gravy, I posted the picture of Blue River Hibiscus that I got off of Google just because I thought it was pretty! It is not a Southern Belle dinnerplate. I also stated that the pink hardy hibiscus I have was "given to me as called" Mary Poppins, I did not say it was the Tropical Mary Poppins. I figured on this forum, the Texas Star was self explanatory................

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Your Mary Poppins is Southern Belle Dinnerplate hib, not the blue river. Just thought you'd like to know someone misnamed it. It happens often. Just trying to give you the proper name.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Quote from ButterflyChaser :
Mary Poppins is a tropical hibiscus and doesn't match the link you posted. The one in the picture you posted looks more like Southern Belle dinnerplate hardy hibiscus.

This site shows Mary Poppins:

Here are pics of Tx Star:

Sorry if I did not feel helped, I felt rather quickly corrected. I knew when posting that there is a tropical hibiscus named Mary Poppins, and this is not it. It is however, a lovely hibiscus, and the photo I linked to is of my own flower. It is hardy, fast growing and a prolific bloomer. It is NOT however, a dinnerplate hibiscus of any kind. It is a smaller sized cupped flower, similar in shape to a buttercup.

I have many seeds of this beautiful flower to any that are not persnickity about origins, as well as the white and red texas star hibiscus.

This message was edited Aug 26, 2010 7:44 PM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

darkmoondreamer, I love the one that you said had the name of 'Mary Poppins' I don't care what it is I would like to have some. The only hardy hibiscus seeds I have are of mixed, unknown color.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

I would love to send you some Marti! I don't need anything from you hon, you were so kind to send me those False Indigo Bush seeds last month. I will get them in the mail tomorrow!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

dark i thought you wanted blue river seeds & i was going to say i hope to have many later this falll & would be happy to trade for yours but if your s are not hardy i won't be able to plant them here but will still share any seeds you might like from any of mine when they start seeding out


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I'm sorry you felt I was rude rather than helpful. Your "Mary Poppins" looked just like my Southern Belle dinnerplate hib. (Picture below.) Mine has 10-12 inch blooms. I had hoped you had the real Mary Poppins because I would have loved to have traded for it. I have the Luna Blush you might have liked. Sorry to have stepped on your toes. I'll butt out of your thread now.

Thumbnail by ButterflyChaser
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Susie I am sorry that I was rather confusing, we got sidetracked for a moment there......I do want Blue River seeds. All the seeds I'm offering are Hardy Hibiscus. The pink "Mary Poppins" is Hardy, as is the White Star of Texas, and the Red Star of Texas. I will be happy to send you some seeds now of any you want if you want to send me some later when you have them ;) Just let me know what you'd like.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you dreamer. I hope the False Indigo Seeds grow for you. I've tried transplanting several bushes and have had no luck, but one of the neighbors said she got hers when it was dormant and it transplanted just fine. SO I'm going to go dig up a couple small plants of it before it leaves up in the spring and see if that works. If you want I'll send one to you if the seeds don't do well or if you just want a plant.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Karen I will be very happy to do a trade that is if mine set seeds as I Said they are all just coming into Bloom right now & This is my 1st year with them so i don't even no for a fact if they will have seed pods after their blooms . Don't have a clue as to what the seed pods will look like .
I Hate for you to send your seeds & Mine not set seed pods then i owe you so if you can hold them for me I would apreciate it till i know mine have seed pods . love to trade then .
& my address is the exchange when we do our trade . thank you much.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

I mailed out all the requests by Dmail today and will mail out more tomorrow. Susie that will be fine, please let me know when they do. I'd love to have some of those seeds! I mailed out many, but I have about 2 Tablespoons of the "Mary Poppins" pink left if anyone else is interested. Thanks :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Did you send some of each ??? If & When all of mind seed out I Will share some of each for you ;

thank you

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Susie I sent you some of all 3 :) If and when you have seed you can find me in the address exchange....If they never set seed please don't worry about it..just enjoy!

I have enough seeds left for 1 more person if anyone is interested...

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Here is the only NOID pink that I have a package full of mixed pink and white.

Thumbnail by pensacolagarden
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I drove over to a friend of my sister and in his neighbors yard is the most beautiful Hibiscus. It looks like a peppermint candy cane. I'm going to go back and keep a watch on it for seeds and get the seeds when I can. I'll try to get a picture of the flower.

(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

All the seeds are gone....Thanks everyone ;)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Karen
Just rec'd the seeds today way more then i need but thank you Not sure when mine will set seeds but as soon as they are ready I will be happy to share . it maybe end of sept or 1st part of Oct for they are all loaded with blooms right now :)
thank you dearly .


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Morning Karen,

I got my 'Mary Poppins' seeds in the mail Thursday. Thank you so much for them.

Question: Do I have to put them in the refrigerator or freezer before planting them??


(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Marti I don't think so...I have never had to refrigerate hardy hibiscus seeds....just plant and go. Hope they do well for you ;)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, I plan to start some right away. I can over winter them in the bathroom if I have to.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Marti I think you you might have better luck if you plant them in a spot right out in your gardens they are hardy
So even if you put them into a few pots right outside they should do much better for you .
best of luck with them .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks susie. Maybe thats why the other hardy hibs I started indoors last winter are still not growing well. I still have them in 4 inch pots on the patio and they don't seem to be growing hardly at all. I'll try putting someof them out in the garden also. I'll let you know how I do.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

they need room for the roots to grow so take them out of the pots .if roots cannot grow plant cannot grow .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Will do! Should I plant the Mary Poppins seeds now or wait til spring?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I will be planting a few of mine in the next couple weeks then also a feww in the spring . just to see what dose best . .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I guess I'll try the same thing. Brought home some mothballs for my garden to keep the dogs out of the garden. they are trampling down all my young plants. I have got to get the dog yard done so they can't get in my garden.

I don't mean to be a wet blanket but---when sowing seeds that have been bee pollinated, hybrid plants usually do not come true from seed. On the other hand, it may turn out more beautiful than the original---a new variety.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

that is what we are counting on that some may be prettier then the main plant :))) well for me anyway .

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