Help! My azaleas are sick

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

What's up with these azaleas? This is my first summer in SC, and these things were gorgeous in the spring. But now they look like they are dying. Anybody having this problem? What do I do?

Thanks, Linda

Thumbnail by Linny1
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Have they been getting enough water? This summer has been somewhat dry and very hot....

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

Yes, I have watered all summer and have the water bills to prove it. Figure it as part of my entertainment. The bushes in the back are healthy and thriving, but everything in the front is puny. What about spider something or other I read about?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

It does look like spider mites to me but it is hard to tell. Why don't you take a small branch in to your local Clemson Extension office and let them diagnose the problem and they can give you some advice on how to deal with it.

(Linny) Salem, SC(Zone 7b)

okey dokey, thanks, I'll do it and let you know...

Appreciate your help - everyone.


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