Love Lies Bleeding and Kiss-me-over-the-Garden-Gate

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I need seeds of these 2 annuals for our small museum which has a nice yard that has never been cultivated. I am also looking for tuberose. As much as possible I try to stick with wild flowers or old cultivated types. All I have to trade right now is red lobelia (Cardinal Flower) and bunches of blue flag iris.
Let's make a deal!

Thumbnail by woodspirit1
columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

can send kiss me over the garden gate in about a month, will have tons. Annette

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

That would be great. I'm sending you a D-mail.

Pittsburgh, PA

I have double tuberose that I got from a co-op. I have a large clump in a pot that will never bloom here, this summer.

I will trade for the lobelia????


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

That would be great obliqua. Should I keep it in the greenhouse over the winter or let it go dormant outside?
Are you in the address exchange?

Pittsburgh, PA

I looked it up, it is hardy zone 8-10, I guess you will have to over winter it inside.

I am in the address exchange. I think I still have your address...


Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Great. Yes i will move the tuberose inside.

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