I have seeds of Brunfelsia densifolia

Sarasota, FL

Well, rather than post this elsewhere I thought there'd be people more appreciative here.
This species wasn't listed on DG files so I created one. I'll upload a photo later.

I would love to try and grow this. I believe this is the one with the yellow flowers? if so, would love to trade seeds with you, or send postage, or whatever you would like.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

My Brunfelsia Americanan seeds should be ripening soon, so if you'd like to do an exchange, I'd be interested. Are they night fragrances? If so, perfume, herbal????? Thanks for posting.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh Kevin - if that's the one you gave me ....wooooooweeeee what a beautiful heady perfumey fragrance. She sadly didn't over winter well...I'm not sure what I did wrong. Any thoughts?

Sarasota, FL

This is the one with the long, thin leaves. I've been losing some seedlings lately started in over rich miracle grow potting mix. About 1 month ago we received 1.5 ft of rain over a 2 week period. Funny thing the roses haven't developed mildew/blackspot. Those stupid evil weevil (Sri Lankan leaf notchers) are eathing the leave up mostly before that. The chili thrips are number on one of my friend's roses.
Now it's just hotter than blazes with the humidity.
Chantel, perhaps the roots on the Brunfelsia stayed too moist? They love the mostly sand here. It takes about a year or so from seed here for this Brunfelsia to begin flowering.

Brownstown, IN

If you have any extra I would love to try a few.
What are you looking for in trade? or I can do postage.
Thank you,

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

H Chantell! How's your fragrant garden doing?
Kevin, should you still have some seeds of B. Densifolia left, I'd love some. I have seeds of B. Americana at present should they interest you. Do you do any airlayering, by any chance?

Sarasota, FL

I have quite a few seeds left. No, don't do air layering for this plant.
I have B. americana; B. jamaicensis; B. abbotii & B. pauciflora var macrantha.
My jamaicensis is growing in a clay saucer! It's about 6 ft tall; more of a giant un-bonsai.
The gardens took cuttings of the pauci. macr. about 5 hrs ago for their members' plant distrubution.
Ya'll pls send me a dmail for specifics. I do have an extensive want list.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

kevin ..... I would love to have some of your fragrant flower seeds/starts. Do you still have some? Do you do trades or what?

I have a few plants on my *have* list, but am just getting started at a new house, so don't have a lot. I am also looking for night blooming jasmine, Cestrum nocturnum, if anyone has any starts.

Can you please explain *air layering* to me?


This message was edited Oct 10, 2010 9:05 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Joanmary - how are YOU?!?!? My garden is asleep...I can't wait for some warm temps!!! How about yours?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I am looking for all the fragrant plants that I can get my hands on. I have been in some seed trading since my last post, so have more things available for trades than I originally had. Anyone that has fragrant plants or flowers, please contact me and we'll see what we can do for each other.

Hi Kevin..... well, we are coming into our tornado season. Say a little prayer for us that we have a mild spring! I'm on the weather folklore thread, and one of them is if you hear thunder during a snowstorm, the spring will storms will be bad. Well guess what!!!! ..... during our 2 feet of snow in 3 days a couple weeks ago, there was quite a bit of thunder. DRAT! 24" of snow is really unusual for us..... our normal is 9". Hope that isn't an indication of how bad the spring storms will be!

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