Coffee tree in Phoenix

Phoenix, AZ

Anyone have any experience with coffee in Phx? I would like to put a few in the ground am wondering about what micro climate they need. I have available full shade, morning sun only, and filtered sun. Thx

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)


I live in an area of the Islands that is desert like, and coffee doesn't fare too well here. The best trees I have are in fairly deep shade surrounded by other foliage. They don't seem to like the hot, dry trade winds that we get, nor do they like the lack of humidity that we also have. I believe they would do better on the wet side, and not at sea level in Kihei! I have never seen any coffee planted in anyone else's garden in this area.

I expect someone from the coffee growing areas of the Islands will have more info for you than I have, but I wish you the best of luck - a coffee tree in full bloom has a wonderful, sweet smell and lovely glossy leaves.

Having lived in Tempe for over 20 years I admire all the tropicals you manage to grow so well in a difficult climate.


I've looked in to growing coffee, and the plants, two types, have very exacting requirements. One is elevation, "Mountain" means way up there. I don't remember the other, but I would believe Phoenix is just not what they'd like, unless you could put them in a very climate controlled house. So sorry! I want to grow them too, but decided not to waste money or kill plants.

Keaau, HI

Coffee does best in a moist tropical environment.

Any place that freezes will kill Coffee.

In Hawai'i it grows from sea-level to about 3.000 ft. It survives occasional mild frosts, with some leaf damage & bud drop.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Phoenix, AZ

Thx for the help

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