Yellow fungus?

Bonita Springs, FL

I recently moved my multi-tray worm composter from its location under a ceiling fan because the circulating air dried out the shredded newspaper. I live in sw Florida, where we have temps in the 90' s every summer day. Now, as I described in my reply to Hule, I am faced with the opposite problem of the bin being too moist,so I have cut back on adding moistened food. Today I found yellow sponge-like globs that had formed around the top rim of the bin. The worms are okay, and I added almost dry newspaper. Has anyone else had this problem? I have never seen it discussed anywhere. Thanks.

Camanche, IA(Zone 5a)

I had a problem the yellow mold(?) from the bottom of my bin half way up the side. I just wiped it off with a paper towel. So far I haven't seen it again? It looked like someone squirted yellow mustard on the side of the bin. gone now. If someone knows what we have Please let us know, Thank You!

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