Moving from Deep South to NE and very blue

Houma, LA

Oh what fun! Didnt know I married a nomad. Gotta move to the frozen north now. Gonna miss the long growing season and all the beautiful tropicals. Already had zone envy but it's gonna get worse. Gotta buy a coat and boots and ear muffs. What's a girl to do?


Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

frozen North how far? you might need to buy wrist warmers, and fur lined boots and coats with fur collars and hoods? You are in Houma, anywhere north of Kansas is going to be so dry you wear hand lotion in your hair to keep from being a walking static spark in the winter, chuckl. There will be something growing- just not nearly as much- at the same time-so you take on the challenge and find what you can do there. I'll warn you, Houma will be on the tip of your tongue forever, but don't look back, you are just adding misery if you do. Look forward, you get to grow different things, and it'll keep you busy, seeing how others adapt as well. Njoy! New accomplishments, new challenges! Let's GO!

Houma, LA

Going to upstate NY. Actually closer to PA border. The area is called the Finger Lakes. I hope I get used to the cold.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Upstate NY is gorgeous, and actually, unless he's moving you to Watertown, chuckle, it isnt all that bad, nor cold. Not like for instance N Dakota and 4 degrees all winter....if you are lucky. The leaves are fabulous in the fall months, and there is just a lot of branches to clean up when the winds blow. It would be easy to get used to.

Houma, LA

Really. In my imagination I see snow covering everything from November to May. My hubby is from Rochester and he is trying to prepare me for the worse. He told me that a snowblower is on the shopping list.


Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Rochester/Syracuse is on the south side of the lake, you do get lake effect snows, but nowhere near like Watertown does, it is beautiful, and they are adjusted to having more heating going on than cooling, but as far as the worst, sticker shock is going to happen when the bills are treble the La ones, not the weather.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

There is some good eating up there. It will take some getting used to - the winters seem awfully long. But holiday time is special and like Kittriana said - beautiful in various seasons.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

You are in for a new adventure. Actually having 4 seasons even if you don't like 1 of them. Fall is a wonderful time and you will embrace it quickly. Winter is tough on those of us that are not acclimated to it. Cold is easy to get used to when it is steady and not 20 one day and 75 the next like our weather is. .You will be able to grow tulips, daffs, lilacs, peonies, lilies of all kinds. Just think of this as a time to grow things that you can't in the south. If you just can't stand it get a greenhouse for the tropicals. You can pack a lot in the small ones.
I wish you well

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

and the fragrance of those lilacs........ nothing like it

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well..if not a greenhouse.. lots of spare rooms.. or a basement or garage to devote to the tropicals.. I overwinter in a house I make out of the 2" foam.. it takes almost nothing to heat it.. you'll manage it... but you'll be ready for spring... some 4 months before it arrives..
here's your NYC... drop by for cuttings..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

By the way, make him shovel, he isn't talking about the carryable snow blowers, just do like everyone else and put a blade and winch on front of the truck... chuckl

Houma, LA

Wow GordonHawk that is beautiful! A foam house??? Do tell. I would love to bring you some of my babies. I am bringing lots of adeniums with me. I gave a lot away to my plant loving friends who will love them the way I do.


Stewart, TN

That area produces some of the most beautiful autumn foliage in the world.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Not to mention all the vineyards in the area too... ^_^
They have tours you can take.. and taste their products...
And the views of the lakes are breathtaking...
Near/In Cohocton they've put in the windmills and that itself to me is a beautiful sight...
And Yes The leaves are gorgeous in the fall..

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