Received My Order From Stout Gardens

Bakersfield, CA

This might be a new garden for some of you to check out: Stout Iris and Daylily Gardens at Dancingtree in Oklahoma. I became aware of this garden last year when we attended the Tall Bearded Iris Society (TBIS) get-together in Salem, OR. That's also where I met Alex Stanton, Phil Williams (Rockytop) and Bob Van Liere (IRIS4U), and I have since also ordered from each of them and been totally pleased. I checked out Stout's website in March and went ahead and placed an order, which arrived yesterday, and I was VERY pleased. Really great plants. My order was less than $100, and I ordered no iris over $10.00, and yet he sent me one of his new introductions (the best one, in my opinion) as a bonus plant, plus another iris, AND A STOUT GARDENS COFFEE MUG! That's a new one for me, but I appreciated it! Here was my order:

PINKSTER (SDB) - (One of the only SDB's that blooms each year for me!)
(10 plants total_


BACKDRAFT (2010 Intro - Hugh Stout, hybridizer -- Also being co-introduced by Rockytop)


Hugh Stout is also the hybridizer of POLESTAR (2009 Intro), and he also is a daylily hybridizer. So if anyone is interested in checking out his website, go to:

Lebanon, OR

then Betja you saw me at the meeting...I was the SHORT woman on the left side of the room second table...LOL


Bakersfield, CA

Yes, I do remember you. In fact, my sister and I even came down to Lebanon to meet you last year just before the TBIS meetings. We were the ones that got totally lost trying to find your place. And my sister is the incredible applique quilter. Do you remember us?


Lebanon, OR

Yes, now I I also told you about several great fabric shops....

and you got lost.



North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Ha, Betty your new iris sound wonderful. And another new place, at least new to me to check into. You know I get in trouble when I look at iris websites.

BACKDRAFT is one of the iris I bought from ROCKYTOP. I see there are more pictures of it here than there were at Rockytop.

Well, off to look some more at whats available!

Bakersfield, CA

Yep, that's us!!! LOL!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Oh heck, I am in trouble. I have five iris in my shopping cart there. Like I need to buy more iris. They have mostly nice pictures were you can see them well.

Bakersfield, CA

Oh well -- to infinity and beyond!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, but my yard does not go to infinity :-((

South Hamilton, MA

Pinkster being from the Suttons in CA is probably why it blooms for you. I had 2 so put one in our sale. Only about 3 plants.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have CRIMSON LIGHTS, KATHY CHILTON, BRILLIANT DISGUISE and WHATS MY LINE in the shopping cart trying not to hit the order button but sure do like what I see.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I had another un my cart for awhile but must really like it as I already bought it from Rockytop LOL! I couldn't just go to bed, I had to hit the order button. They are paid for (paypal) so they better not be out of stock. Gosh I don't know what I am doing.

Bakersfield, CA

You're out of control -- my favorite! As I believe I said before, CRIMSON LIGHTS is my absolute favorite black iris. It has the form both of us like to much and is really a spectacular iris. It is a total keeper for me. I also have KATHY CHILTON -- Did I tell you that I got to meet Kathy up in Salem this spring? She's fantastic! Anyway, it has wonderful colors and really nice form too. So congrats on your latest finds!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I really am hopeless. But at least I am happy LOL!

Crimson Lights doesn't look really black to me although I can see in the picture that it is dark. They call it a black cherry color. Looks great to me. What I think of as black is like the Schreiners intros I have. Like the color of RAVEN GIRL and HERE COMES THE NIGHT.

Another dark one I picked is WHAT'S MY LINE. A 2004 Paul Black deep cherry purple color. Looks really interesting.

So I heard back this morning they are out of KATHY CHILTON. Bummer. But I am getting IMPOSTER instead.

Bakersfield, CA

Here's CRIMSON LIGHTS in my garden:

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And a stalk shot:. It's really pretty dark, but I love the form!

Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Wow, really looks dark in your picture. I like it eather way. Lighter as shown on their website or dark as your picture. Love those ruffles!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

So I am an idiot. I already have IMPOSTER, one of the ones I got from Mid America and already planted here. I decided on DRESSED TO KILL instead.

Bakersfield, CA

Wow, DRESSED TO KILL looks gorgeous! And IMPOSTER is really a beauty too.

Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Is there a special name for the two color ones? I am especially drawn to the iris with different colors for the falls and the standards. Or even different shades of the same color.Like say light maroon and dark maroon. The contrast makes for a very dramatic iris in my opinion and I like dramatic iris. I think I got lots of dramatic iris this year.

Bakersfield, CA

Two different colors = Bicolor
Two different shades of the same color = Bitone
White standards/colored falls = Amoena (pronounced ameena, I think)
Colored standards/white falls = Reverse Amoena
Then there are Neglectas (blue bitones, I believe), and I can't remember the name for yellow/red ones. Can someone else help here?

I think IMPOSTER is a bicolor.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. I had seen the term Amoena and never knew what it ment. Never thought about bi color or bi tone. Humm, I wonder why blue Bi-tones got there own special name? That really isn'texpected to be answered, just thinking out loud so to speak.

South Hamilton, MA

yellow standards & red falls=variegata

white or yellow ground with darks edges, stripes or dots (or all three )=plicata.
dark ground, white edges & veins, white or yellow center of the flower=luminata

Bakersfield, CA

THANK YOU LUCY! The word "variegata" totally left my memory bank today! Oh yes, and I totally forgot about the incredible plicatas and luminatas. Fantastic!

South Hamilton, MA

The variegata comes from the species of the same name & that color.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the explinations on the colors. I still find all the clasifications very confusing. Can't remember them all either LOL! But trying to learn.

I just got my order in the mail. Besides my order he sent me PURPLE ESSENCE one of his 2010 (selling for $45.00) intros as a bonus. I consider this very generous and am impressed by that.

The iris look very healthy, nice roots and green. Nice but not really big rhizomes.

Now off to make tags and plant them this afternoon.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Stout's is great - ordered from them last year and the iris were gorgeous this year. Loved the service and highly recommend them.

Would have given them more business this year if I only had MORE room...(sigh)

Philadelphia, PA

You need to move the fence after your neighbors are asleep Maxsmomma ;-)

I received my order from Stout yesterday. I'm very please with the irises and the bonus they sent. I'll be ordering from them next year

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Mitt, I covet Berry Scary and Dazzling from Stout's (though Dazzling was slightly cheaper through Mid-America.) Oh and at least 5 others. (sigh)

One side cemented over their yard (why?!). If you could see what the other side's yard has become...I am sorely, sorely tempted to get in there and start cleaning it up and then claim any arable land. The weeds are taller than me now and if the weeds can top 5' 5" imagine what real plants would do in there!!!!

Yes, I have yard envy. Is there a support group?

One of these days...I'll possess the entire block. Mwwwaaa hhaa haaaaa.

Gainesville, TX

Round up for brush makes for a much better view, works best when applied in the dark of night

It's a good thing I live in the country with no neighbors for a mile either direction......My kids won't have to go my bail

Spicer, MN

This is the third year I've purchased from Stouts. I found him on E-bay and 'won' around 12 Iris. Right away he was endearing..even though he is a 'Sooner' & I'm a 'Husker'. LOL I was & am impressed by my first & second years bloom rate. I've had only one that didn't bloom in each year and the plant growth is so awesome.

I just received Milan, Gothic Romance, Changing Seasons, Blushing Bashful and bonus, Heaven & Earth. It's going to be hard to not order anymore. I have all the room but it's becoming a fact that; 'The heart is willing but the body is'. Darn!

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Nice choices, Husker!!!

Sharon, I considered a RoundUp drop but was too concerned with the number of dogs, critters and kids in the general area. It would take a major, major amount of RoundUp to make a dent. I've been surreptitiously dousing the evil ivy that is creeping from their yard with vinegar on the really hot days. I may continue with that on a more widespread scale.

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