CLOSED: Looking for Echinacea seeds


Does anyone have spare Echinacea seeds (any variety) and if so would you be willing to share them with me?
I'm in the UK and have plenty of perennial seeds to trade.

I have just collected seeds from a beautiful little clove scented Dianthus and also have fresh seeds from my dark Hellebores.

I'm trying to make a garden that is attractive to butterflies, bees and moths. I always see butterflies on my neighbours Echinacea plant.
All/any help tremendously appreciated. Thanks!


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hello Terri,

I will have fresh seeds of Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea paradoxa next month.
On my website are symbols for plants that attract butterflies and (bumble)bees.
ALL my seeds are available for trading.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Terri, I can get seeds for you. I don't know what name they are, but there is a garden near me for the public and the echinacea are setting seeds on right now. I'll go over and see if they are ready to pick. If so I'll send you what I get. Is you address in the exchance? If not d mail it to me.



Jonna, I will take a look at your website later today because there may just be something I would like there :)
Thank you for replying, I look forward to arranging a trade with you.

Marti, that would be just fantastic, if you could do that for me. I SO appreciate it. Do you have any idea of what kind/color they are? I want all kinds but I'm just curious, LOL
Yes, my address is in the exchange but it is about to change so will send you my new address by dmail.

Thank you both so much for helping me find seeds.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I have freshly harvested seeds of:
echinacea/puple coneflower that has been in my yard for years,don't know species/seed grown,more than likely crossed
e.purpurea"White Swan"

I have Doppleganger but last I looked,it didn't have any ripe seeds. Will check again today.



bigred, i would love to have some of your seeds if you can spare a few.
Are you looking for anything in particular in return? You'd be welcome to some of the clove scented Dianthus and Hellebore seeds. I have lots of other seeds from my perennials too.

Thanks for your help :)


gieten, Netherlands

hello terri
i have echinacea bright star
echinacea ruby star
echinacea ruby giant
echinacea pixie medow brite
echinace teenseensis
echinacea purpurea
and in a copple of weeks echinacea white swan



Marjolein, I sent you a dmail, thank you.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love some of your dark hellebores.



bigred, I'll get those Hellebore seeds off to you on Monday morning. Here is a collage of the Hellebores I collected seeds from.
The hellebores are left to cross pollinate so you will more than likely get some very nice new ones from the seeds. We've had some real treasures from seeds that have germinated beneath the plants. The ones in the mid top and bottom right corner are self-seeds. We also get spotted seedlings from time to time. Allow about a week for them to arrive.
Thanks again for your help.


Thumbnail by Terri1948
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Those are lovely! Would you like some of each of my echinacea(still haven't checked the Doppleganger)? I'll on Monday as well.



Hi bigred!
Ooh yes, please, 2 or 3 seeds of each would be wonderful :)
I hadn't realised how many different Echinaceas there are until I started looking....
That's the way all my plant collections start off.........
I really should know better by now, LOL

I look forward to receiving the seeds.



Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Terri :)

I've been trying to get some seeds from my echinaceas this year and the darn finches are there getting them before they are even ready if I get any I'll send them to you :)

Hope everything is going well with you and your DH ;)

I'm making note of my annuals that are good reseeders this year for the hummers and butterflies I don't really want to plant a lot more in my beds for next year and this Scarlet Magic they just can't stay away from them would you like some of those too if you don't have them.

I went out and found a few seeds from the coneflowers just let me know on the other seeds and I'll send them out to you on Monday :)



Hi Lea!!!!!
If the finches like to eat the seeds I'd love to have a few of them. Perhaps it will encourage more birds into the garden.
The Scarlet Magic is beautiful and I'd love to try growing it over here. I've never seen it before. If the bees and butterflies like it then I know we'll love it, thank you.
I'll send you a dmail with an update on our house move and other stuff(new address is in the address exchange).

Hugs back at you!


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