Is this Khokan?

Aschaffenburg, Germany

I lost the label for this one....Here is one flower that has produced two seeds...

Thumbnail by gofast
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Martin - Your vine and bloom looks like "Ehigasa".

Aschaffenburg, Germany

That's what I thought, too, Becky. Khokan is a different red. I cannot remember if Khokan has bi-colored leaves, or are they just green?


Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hi Martin, Here is Kohkan from my garden, you can see the leaf to the bottom right of the bloom.

Thumbnail by Jiny
Aschaffenburg, Germany

HI John,

I grew Khokan in Morocco, it is a very healthy ipomoea nil almost as robust as Scarlet O'Hara.

What other nils do you grow at the moment, John?


Mesilla Park, NM

Jon, that looks great, I've never grown this one.

Martin, it does look like it except for the center, yours has more white down the throat/tube, has it bloomed again? And the next flowers look like the first?

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - Perfect shot of a Kohkan bloom! Huge, aren't they?

A - That is one you just HAVE to grow! It's one of my top ten favorites!

Martin - Any idea what yours might be?

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Becky, it looks pretty much like what you suggested....Ehigasa...except that I cannot remember having bought these at all. Perhaps I received the seeds from Joseph...

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Hi Martin, funny you should mention Scarlet O'Hara, I've been thinking of growing this one next year, as it looks
to be very vigorous and a prolific bloomer. I have many I nils this year, too many to list! LOL.
This is just my first year involved in growing these vines, apart from growing a tricolor pearly gates last year,
that ignited my interest in these vines.


Aschaffenburg, Germany

In 2008, I had one SOH vine in Morocco growing on the trellis in front of my window, it produced tons of flowers and seeds...

It's great to know that there is s.o. in Japan even, I thought you lived in the US.

My interest in these vines was triggered when I was desperately looking for some plants that could survive the Moroccan heat, and one day I was overwhelmed by the types and varieties in morning glories...

Ever since then the MG bug has bitten me. Even though I am also interested in Amaryllis species and have started to make my own crosses, the MGs are so much more fun because you can have several generations in on year.

What was very fascinating, too, is that depending on the weather conditions one gets unusual colors because of the chemical process that take place within the plants.

At the moment I am studying or trying to find out whether there is a pattern in the different leaves that a plant has, like one of my nils is growing two-lobed, three-lobed and four-lobed leaves...

This somewhat puzzles me and I wonder what causes it...

If ever you need seeds from Germany, perhaps I can help.


PS. The above vine is now growing at a rapid rate on strings attached to the wall in front of my kitchen window.

Thumbnail by gofast
Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Thanks Martin, Mgs, I have to say are pretty amazing plants with their tendency to throw up odd results on the same vine. I have absolutely no idea what the causes of this phenomenon are, I suspect many.

For me that's what makes growing these vines so enjoyable, I guess I'm just another victim of the MG bug,LOL!


edited to correct a typo.

This message was edited Aug 20, 2010 5:27 AM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Martin - I get different leaf shapes, colors, and patterns on my foliage from many of my vines, too!

Neat photo of your vine along the ceiling! :-)

Ahhh, Jon ... also lured by the beautiful of this family of vines! They are an addiction! lol

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