The new backyard iris garden all planted. Pictures.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

This is where the Napa and Mid America orders are planted. I have daylilies all around and the iris bed in the middle.

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Same place

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

closer view of the 3 iris rows.

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The garden there.

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

More views of the daylilies around there.

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
Bakersfield, CA

Fantastic pictures, Rita. And to me it looks like you still have room -- a fourth row between the first two, sort of between the rhizomes rather than aligned? Just a thought... It really gives me a feel for your wonderful garden and all those bloomin' fool daylilies! No wonder you love them!!!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Betty, the daylilies blooming in these pictures are only a small part of what I have. But these are all late and very late bloomers. The regular season daylilies are done around here.

There is no room in the iris bed for more iris. It is three rows. Set up as the two outside rows lined up with each other. Then the middle row goes down the middle but is spaced so that each rhizome is zigged and is mid of where those first two are. I hope that makes sence. Don't I wish there could be a forth row. You know I would have it filled in no time.

Tomah, WI

Your new bed is going to be stunning next spring!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. I really tried to do well planning here. I know it looks from the picture that those iris rows are not exactly even but they are the same. I planned for three rows of iris. I laid this all out before a single plant and I mean daylilies too was put in. This middle part daylilies and iris was all done starting this spring. I did the layout and then started by moving in late blooming daylilies in that back section directly in back of the iris bed. Then I had left room for the iris and started planting new regular season daylilies as they arrived in the spring. I put the edger pavers to define the iris bed, put in some bagged topsoil to raise the ground level slightly and was ready to plant the iris that came early August.

Its not quite done as I still have to fix the edgers at the ends better but I will get to it.

In back of the iris and around the daylilies I also plan to plant spring bulbs (tulips and daffodils) that I have already ordered.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

A lot of work but it will be worth it. Can't wait to see it blooming next year. Beautiful!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

You certainly have an immense variety of flowers.

i am in the process of slowly establishing most of my landscape which was lost when I had extensive exteror renovations done 2 years ago.

What experience have you had with Kathryn Hodkin (Iris)?

It is one of the items that I can order from the following co-op on Dave's Garden.

I am also planning to order some tulips and asiatic and oriental lilies from the same co-op.


Pictured FIREY TEMPER July. 26, 2910

Thumbnail by merrymath
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have never tried Iris reticulata sorry.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Lovely garden, Rita! Are those the Olallie lates in the background?
About how big is your planting area?

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Olallieland is in the very backround. That is over by the cement wall that ends my property. In the second picture you can see it better with that wall and the top part and then a stone wall (cemented so they stay in place) directly beneath it. Olallie daylilies are in front of both the cement wall and the stone wall. I call the area Olallieland.

Then there is a grass path and in front of the grass path is another late bloomers bed. This one is mostly my Hibard intros from Long Island Hybridizer Isabel Hibbard. She specilazes in lates and very lates.

Not all the Olallies are in the area shown, just as not all the Hibard intros are in the area shown. And I have many more lates than this. I would say this is about a third of them.

I don't know how to answer the planting area question. I have various daylily beds all around the garden. Now I also am adding iris areas.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

Man, I wish Rita would adopt me so I can go and live among her irises!!!

; )

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I am hoping that new iris bed gets lots of bloom next spring. I know just about everything I planted last year bloomed this spring but I planted in mid July last year. This year in early August as they just didn't ship earlier. Plus I have lots of rhizomes that are much smaller than what I planted last year. So we will see. But I think the overall plan is good.

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