Who luv's ya baby.....our favourite Teddies and Dolls

Clifton Springs, Australia

This is a Leisa and Teddy inspired thread and then when Kat mentioned her Teddies and Doll, I wondered how many well loved or even newer favourites were out there...
Considering his age, 60 this Christmas, I have put my John up first....When he was new, he had a squeeker in his back, but it never worked and over the years, he has developed osteoarthritis, well he must have because his limbs break very easily and the straw falls out...
One of his eyes is a bit wonky but he sees all....
So come on, lets see your loved ones, old or new and tell the story if there is one.
Leisa, don't forget to bring Teddy over....

This message was edited Aug 11, 2010 8:57 PM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Sorry Dianne, no teddies etc from me. When I married my first husband and left home, my mother got rid of all the stuff I left behind before I could collect any of it. I always remember a lovely doll that used to be dressed in a new outfit each Christmas.

Clifton Springs, Australia

That's what the thread is for Jean...bringing back the memories....I had a lovely walking doll called Gloria but I have no memory of what happened to her......do you remember your doll's name?

Brisbane, Australia

Awwww Dianne your teddy is sooo cute. He must be very wise, as he seems to bear the world very well!! what a treasure.
I must take another pic of my teddy to show his limbs & maybe find some of my old dolls.

Thumbnail by LeisaD
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Leisa, this is hubby Fred bear, which I believe is the same age as your teddy, and apparently copped alot of abuse, being used as a punching bag e.t.c.
I think I still have my old bear somewhere, which used give this kind of growl/lowing sound when you tipped him upsidedown, but that stopped working many years ago. I will have to go on a bear hunt tomorrow.
Good thread Dianne, your poor old bear is doing well to be around at all.
Jean, I'm not much of a hoarder, but wish I had kept a few treasures from my childhood, and also my daughters. When we moved over to Aus 15 years ago, I left alot of stuff behind, and didn't realise how important it would be to my daughter to have kept some of those childhood favourites. I also know how it feels to have stuff sold without your permission. My sister cleaned out the childhood bookcase when I was away from home, having my daughter. I would have liked to keep all the childrens books and the record albums with stories that went with them. It didn't occur to her that maybe I would have liked them, or maybe it did?
Anyway, I understand how you feel Jean.
Heres Fred Bear. (Just like Leisa's Ted, but hes lost his eye sight)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Brisbane, Australia

Aww Sue, Fred bear looks so serene - he's seen a few things in his time ;-) He's definitely got a face that suggests a sense of humour - I bet he could tell a few good yarns if he had a voice.
There's always one person in the family who happy to chuck stuff out - that's my oldest brother. My next brother did a lot of sorting thru stuff when my Mum moved into aged care. He was there sorting thru stuff at Mum's one afternoon & I rang to see how he was going & he broke down & cried - with all the memories brought back by the things he was finding!! I don't know if I've ever seen him cry before!!
I must find my old dolls - hey who am I calling them old - they are younger than me ;-)

Clifton Springs, Australia

It'a amazing how much emotion goes along with our childhood possessions isn't it....I still have some of my books and my kids' toys.

My mother in law was a terrific person but had no feeling at all for that sort of thing....When my husband was 8, one of her friends came to the door collecting toys for the local charity....so his mother gave away his teddy which he slept with every night telling him that he was too old for a teddy. He never forgot or forgave her for that...it still bothers him when the subject comes up.

Looking at all the well loved bears, I was wondering if ever anyone called a bear by a girl's name...I know that I didn't and I don't know anyone who did.
As well as John, I had a Percy and a Peter...Leisa has Teddy and Sue's husband has Fred...all boys.

Kat, when you can, post a pic of Growly, Panda and Jock and the doll if you find her.....my daughter's bear is Growly too.....he is a black one.

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