Tropical Zone Wannabe in Texas

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

I have posted new pictures of my garden in my Garden Blog for your viewing pleasure! Let me know what you think.......

The banana trees, ginger, EE, have came back from the roots. Some of the banana trees are taller than the six ft privacy fence!


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

The patio

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

More patio pix

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Check out my Garden Blog for more pictures!


Xai Xai, Mozambique

Wow, Jeanne! Absolutely gorgeous!!!! i checked out your garden blog, and i love your garden! i saved the pics, is that ok with you? since i am in the gardening business lately, i like to go look at pics of other gardens, to give me inspiration and ideas.
i absolutely love the lushness! lucky for you, you don't have the snake problem we do! my front yard looks similar to your garden, but not planted as thickly. Your garden would be a snake's paradise here!! lol

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Everything is looking beautiful Jeanne, so very tropical - are you sure you don't live on Oahu still? LOL!
So glad everything came back so well after your nasty winter - you've got green thumbs girl!
Off to check out your blog...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Isaac and Jen! It is a blessing from God that things came back from the root! Plus the new Majesty Palms and ferns were on sale at Lowe's just at the right time! I've really enjoyed my time out there! Thanks!

Isaac, we do have snakes here also. Enough of my neighbors have dogs so that we aren't usually bothered by them. You see one once in a while. I do keep my eyes open for them when I am out there!

Here's the link:

This message was edited Aug 11, 2010 10:42 PM

This message was edited Aug 11, 2010 10:44 PM

Xai Xai, Mozambique

oooh, so you do have the snake problem! we have five dogs, yet we still have snakes every now and then. they thankfully usually stick to the trees, but i find it very unnerving when they fall out of the trees RIGHT BEHIND ME, which has happened twice!
What type of snakes do you have in your area?

Virginia Beach, VA

I am scared of snakes no matter what kind.

I viewed your blog and your gardens looks very relaxing. Is your plumeria named? I also love the split philadendrum. Do you bring them in during the colder months? do you get fruits from your bananas? thank you for sharing your picture. By the way i bumped my enclosed veggie garden at the beginners veggie forum. Belle

Xai Xai, Mozambique

don't worry belle, just because they are here doesn't mean i like them. i get a lot of criticism, because when i see a snake in my garden, i want it DEAD! i don't kill them myself, i call my local gardener to do it for me, or my mom, lol. we have quite a number of harmless snakes, but a couple of poisonous ones which have visited our garden in the last ten years. i remember the puff adder, (probable) black mamba, Mozamibican spitting cobra, can't think of another one...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Jeanne, your garden looks great!!! Very lush!!!

Issac, I would hate to have those snakes up here. Copperheads and cottonmouths are bad enough. Even the harmless snakes are bad enough!! LOL. I like them when they arent anywhere around me. Go hide when I come out and don't come out til I'm inside. That's my take on snakes. lol

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh Jen, I sure wished it were Oahu! But between my Mom and grandchildren being here (kids too) this will just have to do for now!

Thanks Belle and Pepper!

Belle we have had bananas in the past, but they are few and far between. They are not as good as the ones you buy in the store. Then when the bananas are ripe the tree dies. I would just as soon have the tree than the bananas. They do put out new growth regularly. We are back up over the 90 we had last fall. The EE s are in the ground. They didn't even get covered during the freeze as that is just after I had gotten out of the hospital for the bleeding ulcers. The frost killed them to the ground! It's totally amazing that it has all come back from the roots! Unbelievable! Eventually I'll have to post the devastation pix from the freeze. It was too depressing before. The plumerias are not named.

Between prayer and watering and Miracle Grow we have new growth everywhere!

Isaac, we have rattlers, coral, copperheads, water moccasins for some of the poisonous snakes. Then we have several different types of non poisonous. One that has been in the yard at least twice is the ribbon snake. It liked the pond.
It was pretty thick around and about 3-4 ft long. My daughter screamed and it left for good....Haven't seen it in a couple of years!

When it cools off I hope DS will reroof the hut. If you look in the Garden Diary from past years you can see how the hut has looked before. I really love it when the hut is done and the Tiki torches are going.

I have misplaced my Bruddah IZ cd, but I do have other Hawaiian music..... We haven't had a "party" in awhile! Mosquitos are pretty heavy. I need to spray with the garlic. I can't find my container that hooks to my hose....must be in the shed or garage.

Aloha Y'all!

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